kjx: http://yuplay.com/story.php?title=Pathologic-1 DRMFree, 1,15GB, no promo
http://1c.yuplay.com/story.php?title=Pathologic Nothing about DRM, 0,62GB, promo
Any suggestions how it really is? I want this game :D
this is essentially not a game. It´s survival management in a symbolic world.
The sense of FUN in this game is really twisted yet totally absorbing.
I love it a lot but I... not because I have fun, like e.g. Deus Ex provides.
It´s more like the interest of wacthing an autopsy to watch what´s coming out next.
Maybe hence the name `pathologic` (hahah).
You def. need some stoic streaks to get through this. I never saw anything like it before.
But I don´t get what´s with the different sizes. Maybe D/L size vs actual size.
Yes the Box version is cheap early everywhere.