gyokzoli: It's a good consol port although it gets difficult after a while without a controller even on easy and you can only use XBOX controller. But a good game anyway.
lowyhong: What are the game's selling points? I'm watching some vids of its gameplay right now, but looks to be quite repetitive.
It is a (well done) mashup of Legend of Zelda with God of War with ripped off elements from many things. It does them relatively well, but the best way to play it is on Easy, since all the other difficulties do is add like ten times the life the enemies have, and that gets old FAST.
Literally, it is Zelda with a combo system in the combat. Pretty fun.
If you don't have a Xbox360 pad, but you do have another type of controller, you can fix most things wrong with the game using X360CE, just deactivate the rumble function.