KavazovAngel: Take Didimatic for example. I don't see people bitching about the site. :)
(don't take this wrong Bansama, the site is amazing! :))
If you're talking about the referral links I put there, I do so as it helps (in it's own way) to pay all the related hosting fees (while also thanking me for the work I put into the site -- when I'm not busy =/). The more people who buy at GamersGate with those links (which are fully visible on mouse over), the less money I spend on Games and thus, can put towards the cost of the server each month and domain registration, etc.
But, with that said, that's the only place I use referral links. When I post GG links anywhere else, such as here, I just post the standard links.
(And no, I didn't take what you said the wrong way)
As for Steam's current deal, at least they actually went to the trouble of showing the one game Japan can buy. Unlike yesterday's blank page.
Also, GamersGate's space sale will end tomorrow, so if you want some space sims, etc., I'd hop on that sooner rather than later.