jlg6184: Not sure the gringo and canuck comment is really appropriate, but whatever...
Foxhack: 1: I know a lot of Canadians and they don't care if I call them Canucks. Because THEY call themselves Canucks!
2: A lot of Americans that know I'm Mexican don't care if I call them Gringo, in fact you're the first person I've seen in years that has taken offense at the word, even in this context.
I know I use the word a lot, and I'm sorry if I've ever offended you when I did. But being half-Gringo myself, I don't think it's that bad.
Dude, no need to apologize, I wasn't offended, as I said in an earlier post, I just thought it was a bit much and wasn't sure if it was appropriate (as some people can be offended by it), it was established after the fact that nobody here really cares (as long as it isn't used as a derogatory comment).
I only said something initially because I have never hear "gringo" used simply to describe a foreigner. It has always been used in a derogatory fashion.