Posted March 14, 2011

GoG Lurker
Registered: Jun 2010
From United States

Registered: May 2009
From Greece
Posted March 14, 2011

Registered: Sep 2008
From Mexico
Posted March 14, 2011
They also included some sort of plugin with Winamp and Netscape Navigator way back in the early 2000s. Away, I say!

keep it classy!
Registered: Jun 2009
From United States
Posted March 14, 2011
It looks like a nice exposure to WWII shooters :D

As dumb as you.
Registered: Jul 2010
From United States
Posted March 14, 2011
Steam as all Oddworld for sale again, 50% off
The Oddboxx - $12.49
Oddworld Pack - $3.99
Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus - $2.49
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee - $2.49
Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee - $4.99
Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath - $7.49
The Oddboxx - $12.49
Oddworld Pack - $3.99
Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus - $2.49
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee - $2.49
Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee - $4.99
Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath - $7.49

Registered: Sep 2008
From Mexico
Posted March 14, 2011
Oh boy. Medal of Honor Airborne... is region blocked for me.
Screw you, EA.
Screw you, EA.

Zug Zug!
Registered: Sep 2010
From New Zealand
Posted March 14, 2011

Registered: Dec 2008
From Norway
Posted March 14, 2011
Hi, sorry, but i just want to ask a quick question:
I pre-ordered Shogun 2 from D2D and i was wondering if anybody has any idea or qualified guess as to when i will recieve my SteamCode. Steam JUST opened up for download now, but i haven't heard anything from D2D. I not being impatient (I hadn't expected the game to be available tonight). But as steam is going for it i would just like to know. It'd be nice if i could set it to download before i go to bed (as my line is slow).
I pre-ordered Shogun 2 from D2D and i was wondering if anybody has any idea or qualified guess as to when i will recieve my SteamCode. Steam JUST opened up for download now, but i haven't heard anything from D2D. I not being impatient (I hadn't expected the game to be available tonight). But as steam is going for it i would just like to know. It'd be nice if i could set it to download before i go to bed (as my line is slow).

sons of liberty
Registered: Dec 2009
From India
Posted March 14, 2011
how are the new odd world games anyone played them?

Not Merry
Registered: Sep 2008
From Ireland
Posted March 14, 2011

I pre-ordered Shogun 2 from D2D and i was wondering if anybody has any idea or qualified guess as to when i will recieve my SteamCode. Steam JUST opened up for download now, but i haven't heard anything from D2D. I not being impatient (I hadn't expected the game to be available tonight). But as steam is going for it i would just like to know. It'd be nice if i could set it to download before i go to bed (as my line is slow).

Registered: Sep 2008
From Mexico
Posted March 14, 2011

I pre-ordered Shogun 2 from D2D and i was wondering if anybody has any idea or qualified guess as to when i will recieve my SteamCode. Steam JUST opened up for download now, but i haven't heard anything from D2D. I not being impatient (I hadn't expected the game to be available tonight). But as steam is going for it i would just like to know. It'd be nice if i could set it to download before i go to bed (as my line is slow).

Registered: Dec 2009
From Mexico
Posted March 14, 2011
I've only seen a Let's Play of Stranger's Wrath. Seemed pretty strange, being one of the (well, duh) oddest third person shooters I've seen.
It seems that if you get them on steam, eventually it will be upgraded to the HD remake that is being made for the PS3 when that is released. On the PC, of course.
It seems that if you get them on steam, eventually it will be upgraded to the HD remake that is being made for the PS3 when that is released. On the PC, of course.

New User
Registered: Jul 2010
From Netherlands
Posted March 14, 2011

I pre-ordered Shogun 2 from D2D and i was wondering if anybody has any idea or qualified guess as to when i will recieve my SteamCode. Steam JUST opened up for download now, but i haven't heard anything from D2D. I not being impatient (I hadn't expected the game to be available tonight). But as steam is going for it i would just like to know. It'd be nice if i could set it to download before i go to bed (as my line is slow).

Hello, GOG staff. Please remove my forum posts.
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted March 15, 2011
They're great. Not too much like the Abe games, but good stuff. I liked Stranger's Wrath more than Munch's Oddysee, but they're both worth playing.
I bought the pack when they released it on Steam during the holidays, and it's currently at a good price once again. Back when it was released, the XBox ports had a lot of problems. Some people are still having issues, if you're wary, but personally I think they fixed things up fairly quickly, and the games run pretty fine now, at least for me.
Of course, the original two games run just as flawlessly as they always have. I run XP Pro SP3 if that matters to you (and being XBox games, the latter two run fine on a Pentium 4 3.2GHz, 2GB of DDR ram, and a 512MB AGP GeForce 7600 GS).
I don't know how it does on Vista or 7, I'm the wrong guy to ask about that sort of thing, but I wouldn't mind getting a new computer sometime. It's been upgraded well since 2001 but it's been a decade and I could benefit from, say, multiple cores, sata drives, and PCI-e, among other things, but I'm just not sure there's a lot of options in the $300-$400 price range! Wouldn't mind a proper computer desk, an optical mouse, some speakers that don't have to be hit to work right, and a monitor that exceeds 1280x1024 (Though I only got a new monitor a few months ago, I've been enjoying having a flatscreen with auto adjust and no dials. I found it in a thrift store for $75 and it works fine). Also, headphones that don't make my ears feel bruised after 30 minutes would be swell, though I've spent good money on a good number of them, I just have poor luck with finding good ones I can afford.
...maybe if I didn't buy so many damn GOGs, but my machine runs every last one of them just fine on max settings and it was totally worth it! ;_;
Well, I've digressed terribly. I tend to do that. Point is, Oddboxx is great. Just be wary that you may have some issues, but other than that, it's a fine choice, especially if you've never played any of them before (and even if you've played both the Abe games, which I'm assuming you have from your post).
I hadn't been keeping up with this news in a while. That's very cool to hear. So yeah, there you go. That's another incentive.
I bought the pack when they released it on Steam during the holidays, and it's currently at a good price once again. Back when it was released, the XBox ports had a lot of problems. Some people are still having issues, if you're wary, but personally I think they fixed things up fairly quickly, and the games run pretty fine now, at least for me.
Of course, the original two games run just as flawlessly as they always have. I run XP Pro SP3 if that matters to you (and being XBox games, the latter two run fine on a Pentium 4 3.2GHz, 2GB of DDR ram, and a 512MB AGP GeForce 7600 GS).
I don't know how it does on Vista or 7, I'm the wrong guy to ask about that sort of thing, but I wouldn't mind getting a new computer sometime. It's been upgraded well since 2001 but it's been a decade and I could benefit from, say, multiple cores, sata drives, and PCI-e, among other things, but I'm just not sure there's a lot of options in the $300-$400 price range! Wouldn't mind a proper computer desk, an optical mouse, some speakers that don't have to be hit to work right, and a monitor that exceeds 1280x1024 (Though I only got a new monitor a few months ago, I've been enjoying having a flatscreen with auto adjust and no dials. I found it in a thrift store for $75 and it works fine). Also, headphones that don't make my ears feel bruised after 30 minutes would be swell, though I've spent good money on a good number of them, I just have poor luck with finding good ones I can afford.
...maybe if I didn't buy so many damn GOGs, but my machine runs every last one of them just fine on max settings and it was totally worth it! ;_;
Well, I've digressed terribly. I tend to do that. Point is, Oddboxx is great. Just be wary that you may have some issues, but other than that, it's a fine choice, especially if you've never played any of them before (and even if you've played both the Abe games, which I'm assuming you have from your post).
I hadn't been keeping up with this news in a while. That's very cool to hear. So yeah, there you go. That's another incentive.
Post edited March 15, 2011 by LordKuruku

Zug Zug!
Registered: Sep 2010
From New Zealand
Posted March 15, 2011

It seems that if you get them on steam, eventually it will be upgraded to the HD remake that is being made for the PS3 when that is released. On the PC, of course.
If you've missed it on Steam
GamersGate has Red Alert 3 for $7
But for some reason the stand alone expansion is not on sale.

Edit: Ah, I see, the 5years page is broken, and it's most of last week's deals. The "Special Offers" page shows the new ones.
Maybe the ones they release on Friday will be the new one for this week?
Post edited March 15, 2011 by carnival73