trusteft: Exactly, no matter what I will never ever ever buy anything from onlive.
hedwards: That's paranoia speaking, can either of you two actually cite anywhere in the EULA that allows that? They don't remove games based upon licensing, they stop selling new games, just like here. As long as the software still runs they provide you with the service.
And it's not really that expensive, especially if you compare it with consoles.
I can't speak for the current state of OnLive, but shortly after they launched, games they were "selling" were considered "playpasses" and were only going to be supported for 3 years, meaning basically you get the "Full Playpass" and there is an end date for how long you "have" the game. Granted they likely have the option to support it longer, if they want, but that is at their whim, not the subscribers. Also I don't know why anyone would use this as a viable option due to never getting a physical or even digital copy.