my name is supyreor catte: Define banger? Are there particular musical elements you're looking to avoid? Or do you mean banger in the loose sense of "a good tune"?
Sachys: I think they either mean "club bangers" in the hip hop sense or "aaaaarrrrr fuggin bangin tune mert!" - most likely the former.
Nah, I think she's inquiring about games with good music with an all-virgin cast (i.e., banger-free). Since only the most smartest and creative individuals in history were/are virgins. Newton, Tesla, Beethoven, Warhol, Andersen, Kant, Leopardi, and Queen Elizabeth I are a few examples.
No but seriously, what games or genres are you asking about, dtgreene? There are plenty of games with OK-but-unmemorable OSTs I've played that I wouldn't listen to again IRL on commutes, during work, at the gym, etc.