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high rated
Achilles: Legend Untold will never have multiplayer here on GOG (it has it on EPIC and STEAM)

Link: here
Post edited January 30, 2024 by Cananas
Chef: A Restaurant Tycoon Game : missing Pizza & Baked Goods , Cocktails & Drinks DLCs

Urbek City Builder : missing Defend the City DLC
Hi, what about my old posts? Didn't notice any additions to the table.
high rated
Dark Deity: Complete Edition has received the latest update and can be removed from the list.
high rated
They Always Run has received the soundtrack.
Decision: Red Daze : no Supporter Bundle DLC for the Gog version .
MarkoH01: Apparently Agony (original version not the unrated) is outdated. After finishing the unrated version I decided to take a look at the original just to see the changes ... but it was barely unplayable because it was too dark. I looked up some videos on youtube and notriced that it was much brighter in those so I looked at the patch notes here:

As you can see: lightning has improved a few times and the difficulty settings have been changed. Also it is possible to adjust gamma using F7/F8 ... none of this exists in the GOG version. Since Agony has been released after the latest Steam patch it seems as if the devs released the unpatched version already at release - maybe it was a mistake. Already contacted them on discord and I will also create a supprt ticket (just for the funb of it since I don't expect anything from GOG support anymore tbh).

omega64: I'll try to update the list again sometime this month. It's hard to care to update when it doesn't feel like GOG itself cares.
MarkoH01: I know how you feel and I had similar feelings yesterday regarding my German language patch thread ... but we should remember that we do this first and foremost for the community and not for GOG.
I also read that Agony Unrated never received any of the patches that the Steam version did and is still the launch version. So it's not just the original but also the Unrated that has also never received support. There should have been five patches already for it.
MarkoH01: Apparently Agony (original version not the unrated) is outdated. After finishing the unrated version I decided to take a look at the original just to see the changes ... but it was barely unplayable because it was too dark. I looked up some videos on youtube and notriced that it was much brighter in those so I looked at the patch notes here:

As you can see: lightning has improved a few times and the difficulty settings have been changed. Also it is possible to adjust gamma using F7/F8 ... none of this exists in the GOG version. Since Agony has been released after the latest Steam patch it seems as if the devs released the unpatched version already at release - maybe it was a mistake. Already contacted them on discord and I will also create a supprt ticket (just for the funb of it since I don't expect anything from GOG support anymore tbh).

I know how you feel and I had similar feelings yesterday regarding my German language patch thread ... but we should remember that we do this first and foremost for the community and not for GOG.
Unseelie_Sluagh: I also read that Agony Unrated never received any of the patches that the Steam version did and is still the launch version. So it's not just the original but also the Unrated that has also never received support. There should have been five patches already for it.
1.0 of the gog version agony is the latest version of the steam version. So not a lower version. Honestly, you have to think a little sometimes. The gog version was released after the latest patch available on steam.
Don't rely on the number of gog versions.

Like for example sniper contract 1. gog version 1.08 and steam 1.09. But 1.08 gog released at the same time as 1.09 steam and same patch notes as 1.09 steam.

so version 1.08 gog=1.09 steam.

It should not be based on the patch number but rather when was the last version of the game.
Post edited February 10, 2024 by Lukin86
Huh, not sure why I cannot reply to the post above.

Anyways, that's good if it's true about Agony Unrated but I also heard the original Agony that comes with it is definitely unpatched. Even for the older game why would they release an unpatched version?

It's definitely known that other games are released and either received patches late or never at all. I just hope the developers can realize this isn't just a place to dump their games and abandoned support.
high rated
Lukin86: 1.0 of the gog version agony is the latest version of the steam version. So not a lower version. Honestly, you have to think a little sometimes. The gog version was released after the latest patch available on steam.
Don't rely on the number of gog versions.
Yes, Agony has been released here AFTER all those Steam patches BUT it does not change the fact that it is the initial release version here on GOG (which makes the whole issue even worse). Just take a look at the changelogs for the game and you will see that the GOG version is missing everything they improved with the patches. I've explained this in detaiil here:
Post edited February 10, 2024 by MarkoH01
high rated
The Heads Will Roll: Reforged devs have spoken:

" Hey.

A quick update regarding the GOG release of the first DLC.

We've completed the work on the new assets required by the GOG store and are sending them over this week. After that the ball will kinda be in their court. I'd say it would be more or less realistic to expect the DLC to go live in a couple of weeks or something like that. Their support team usually responds pretty quick so it might end up being even faster than that.

Your reasoning for preferring to buy games over there is perfectly understandable but same goes for the devs who are hesitant to release additional content at GOG as it requires jumping through a bunch of additional hoops while the player base is significantly smaller. In any case HWR's DLCs will be coming there too.

Sorry for keeping you waiting but it is what it is.

Cheers. "

So I guess all is fine as they promised!
RafaelRamus: The Heads Will Roll: Reforged devs have spoken:

So I guess all is fine as they promised!
I'm both a bit sad they didn't make it in time for valentines and a bit amused they almost made it.
RafaelRamus: The Heads Will Roll: Reforged devs have spoken:

So I guess all is fine as they promised!
Andrzejef: I'm both a bit sad they didn't make it in time for valentines and a bit amused they almost made it.
Lol, true! Such a lost opportunity!

The saddest part about it is that it's another case of a game available for Valentine's on Steam and not here (and it was such a good title for Valentine's!), then GoG numbers are disappointing to devs, then they don't want to release games here and so on.

I cheer a lot for GoG, it really saddens me the current state of affairs, but it is what it is.
Post edited February 16, 2024 by RafaelRamus
high rated
It seems that Fallen Enchantress Legendary Heroes isn't on par with steam version since more than one year.
We have version 3.0, Steam version 3.01 who fixes an AI bug.
Post edited February 21, 2024 by Splatsch
This is just a honorable mention, since the devs probably did not do it on purpose.

Tomb Raider 1-3 Remaster relies on the launcher to make screenshot. It has a photo mode, but no function to actually make them, accepts the according command key from the launcher however. Also Overlay (in Steam) needs to be active for it to work.
The same key in photo mode and classic view also switches bilinear filtering on.
Since in Galaxy we don't have the overlay and offline players don't even have a key to begin with, we don't have that function.
The dev already received complaints about missing official bilinear filtering in classic mode already, so maybe it will get officially integrated. Fingers crossed.
So in short: without launcher and overlay no screenshot function, GOG version no bilinear filtering in classic mode.