01kipper: Sniper Elite: Berlin 1945 At times this game encourages you to take your time, stay in cover, take shots from a distance and move around between shots. This is when the game is very fun, however these times are rare. More often than not you are detected and the enemies rush for your position or shoot at you from cover, making the game feel more like a shooting gallery than a stealth sniper game. Other times the enemy will be in such a position that it’s impossible to line up a sniper shot, you’ll need to get in close and kill them at short range with a machine gun or pistol.
But that is not what made me quit. The most egregious flaw is that sometimes enemies will 'magically' appear on the map. This almost always happens after scripted cutscenes, but also happens when you reach certain areas. This, to me, is just intolerable.
Overall though it’s hard to say if I would recommend it, if you want a pure stealth sniper game then stay away, if you’re more into a sniper/action shooting gallery game, then it would be a much better fit.
If you want a stealth sniper game try the third.