I am close to giving Descent 3 a miss. Too bad since I was always looking forward to playing it, ever since I finished Descent 1-2 loooong time ago.
I'm trying to play D3 in the hardest Insane difficulty, and the game just feels silly. I am still in the very first level, and every enemy encounter is a huge trouble and big nuisance. I think they've really gone overboard with the difficulty level there.
First revelation was that unlike the first two games, I really shouldn't play this game like a "flight sim", using a flightstick + keyboard. The game is so hard that you really need the precision and snappy movement of the mouse, playing it like a FPS game. This evens the odds a bit at least.
Still, it is truly insane. One enemy laser hit does more damage to me than what I get "health" from the shield power ups. What that means basically that I am forced to reload the game (and try again) if I get hit by an enemy even once. I can't afford to be hit by enemies almost at all. I think one laser hit from the early enemies takes like 8 points out of your shields, and a powerup replenishes it by measly 6 points. You do the math. There are not that many of those shield powerups anyway, sometimes you find one lying around, sometimes killing and enemy or shooting a barrel reveals one.
When you fly indoors, you usually have very little or no room to dodge enemy shots, and you constantly get stuck to protrusions on walls etc.
Also, the enemies are very accurate with their shooting, and they do take lead into account, ie. if you merely try to circle-strafe them in open space, it doesn't work, they can still hit you. So gameplay becomes either a game of peek-a-boo where you hope to get some lucky shots at the enemy (they are very good at dodging your shots too), or then I guess you should all the time move very erratically to all directions while shooting at your enemy so that the enemy can't lead the shots. Either way, it is very time consuming and annoying, and lots of reloading of save games (basically if you get hit by an enemy at all, you just can't afford to lose almost any shields in the long run).
I'm hoping though I'd acquire some better weapons that would even the odds more. I already found homing missiles which are a good addition, but unfortunately it takes three such missiles to kill one early enemy, meaning I will constantly run out of them.
I've encountered one type of enemy which doesn't shoot but tries to ram you, and those were easier to manage as long as you have some room to move. Shoot at them when they charge at you, and then sidestep (strafe) just before they hit you. It is mainly those shooting enemies which are the big problem, very hard to hit and they are very accurate hitting you even from great distances.
Of course I could also try to play on a lower difficulty level... but I guess I could just as well enable a godmode cheat and be done with it while I am at it. I don't recall having these kinds of problems with the first two Descent games, and I played them with a freaking flightstick, after all.
If Descent 3 can be considered as a FPS game, then it is truly the hardest FPS game I've ever played. Mind you, I have finished e.g. Far Cry with the highest difficulty, and Serious Sam + Second Encounter games with the second highest difficulty (not the hardest one where the enemies become semi-invisible, I felt that went overboard so I needed to play one step lower). And of course the first two Descent games. Descent 3 difficulty really is... something else.
I've found some Youtube video though someone playing Descent 3 on the Insane difficulty, so apparently it can be done... He fights the early enemies very aggressively, jumping all over a place (obviously trying to avoid hits as much as possible). Too bad because I'd prefer a more cautious approach to fight the enemies one by one, but apparently it is not possible.