Just finished Frostpunk, well, more specifically the A New Home scenario which, from what I understand, constitutes the game's main campaign while the other scenarios are just additions. I'm pretty satisfied but left with some mixed feelings. I did not like This War of Mine and much of what I disliked about that one returns in Frostpunk. I honestly feel like the developers have some weird obsession with making their games "hardcore" and will make bad design decisions for the hell of it.
Now, I'll get the good stuff out of the way first: the concept, setting and presentation are utterly amazing. I also can't really complain about the fundamental mechanics which aren't very different from other city builders. Building the city and unlocking new stuff is as satisfying as it gets and the temperature thing with the huge generator at the center of the city is a nice touch, as is managing hope versus discontent. And there's a lot of stuff here that gives the player's decisions a sense of gravity.
What I utterly don't like is how much the game depends on a lack of guidance, unexpected situations and even some design decisions that make the game less forgiving than they logically should be. The first hour with the game was a nightmare to me. The first thing that happened was that I positioned my first buildings terribly, built the wrong structures etc.. The fact that many tutorial messages only pop up after the fact kinda captures the absurdity of it all. Seriously, the tutorial on streets only appeared on day 4 when I had already built a ton of them. I get it that the game is about putting the player in a position of responsibility at a time of utter chaos and uncertainty but come on, does that really mean that tutorials and explanations should be less helpful than in games from almost twenty years ago?
And intentionally keeping the player unprepared and making him unable to plan ahead is a consistent theme throughout the whole campaign. It is of course good if a management game sometimes throws unexpected stuff at you that forces you to improvise and adapt but here it often feels forced. An extreme example is the information you get about an incoming storm. At first the game only says that it's coming, of course I figured that I probably won't be able to send out hunters or scouts during the storm but only moments before it hits the city the game tells me that I also won't be able to grow food inside the city - "the earth is gonna freeze". Then what the hell is all the extreme heating for that I've installed in the city? The UI says that the temperature inside the hothouse is perfectly fine but just to get their shitty point across the developers decided that you should not be able to gain any more food during the storm even if it goes totally against the game's logic - and they decide to inform the player about it when it's pretty much too late to stockpile tons of food. And the game is riddled with such shit.
Likewise, there's a number of, in my eyes, illogical mechanics that are there only to make the game more "hardcore" and in the end quite pretentious. The biggest offender is the "book of laws" which is basically a skill tree. It's not a constitution, it's a set of laws, and many of them are designed to help you deal with temporary crises. Yet, guess what? You can't undo laws. For instance, I allowed for child labour during a particularly tough period early on, when my work force was very small. I quickly managed to gather more people, making child labour utterly unnecessary, yet I could not undo it anymore, even though I did not employ a single child after that point - that makes zero sense, at least allow me to change existing laws at the cost of increasing discontent. It wouldn't be a big deal if this early decision had not blocked a useful later law. And in the end you get a "was it worth it?" displayed on the screen for all the shit you've done and it seriously feels like it was the developers' priority to get a pseudo-philosophical point across rather than make consistent, logical or just good mechanics.
The irony is that during a second playthrough much of what frustrated me this first time would probably not be an issue anymore, making the mechanics work better but at the same time the game would be missing many of its initial strengths, namely all the surprises it throws at you and the feeling that it's "real" and you're trying to take care of real people here. I kinda feel like the experience they were going for with this game goes against the fundamentals of its genre. It's a management game yet it does everything it can to make efficient managing as hard as possible and partially impossible during the first playthrough. And if you come back with the experience necessary to manage efficiently you'll be missing the game's core experience.
And I guess I should mention that in spite of everything I did pretty well as far as I can tell even though I messed up tons of things due to the stuff I mentioned above and I don't know how to feel about it. It certainly reduces my motivation to try again since the result would probably only be a marginally bigger success.
Anyway, I know that this was quite a mouthful and may sound like I'm bashing the whole game over, in the big picture, trivial things. In spite of everything (and I certainly have not mentioned everything) I enjoyed the game a lot, I went to bed six hours later than I should have because I was so mesmerised by the game, it's at least a solid 4/5 game that sets new standards in some areas and that I will think a lot about. I just really feel like they were super close to making it vastly better without compromising their vision.
God dammit, I figured I'd be done with this game at this point but I think I'm gonna play the other scenarios now.
Edit: Oh yeah, and there's one thing that this game is utterly missing: some sort of high score table. I think I know why they didn't introduce one - I guess it would be contrary to their vision which is supposed to be a believable human experience rather than a game about numbers and whatnot but come on, they could have at least dressed it up as a chronicle or something. I would be certainly a lot more motivated to give the main scenario another go if there were something like this here.
Post edited February 19, 2019 by F4LL0UT