Posted February 03, 2019
The Long Reach
I got it from the community giveaway, donated by z02228, thanks a lot again!
As most reviews criticize the game has a weird controls – WASD + F + I but without mouse and what's even worse – you can't change it so it seems to be designed for left-handed people. Yeah, it's weird but I won't talk about it.
I did enjoy the game but it's not a masterpiece. A rather short (I believe it took me about 3 hours) adventure game where you have to solve a few puzzles, avoid some dangers and learn about the story. Out of these three elements the first two are rather bland. Puzzles are mostly about gathering items and using them in appropriate places. Nothing really difficult nor frustrating but it felt like a chore. Avoiding a murderer on a killing spree was mostly annoying and way too simplistic to be anyhow enjoyable...
The story itself is actually quite generic but the way it's told and the atmosphere of the game make it worthwhile. As you can read from the description hallucinations play a major role here. The good thing is that you never know which is a reality and which is not. When a room is suddenly changed into an open space with a tree in the middle you immediately assume that it is a hallucination. But when you see a dead body of your friend you can't be so sure anymore... I know that it may not sound anything special when you read it but believe me – it will be when you play it.
I don't like how scientists are presented: maniacs who thinks more about their research than anything else. I'm a scientist myself and trust me – in reality we are different, less dangerous and more boring so I'm not surprised that people want to think about us as mysterious maniacs. But frankly, it's getting old...
Fun fact: the game actually makes a very subtle hint about the influence of player on a main character but it does it without breaking the forth wall which is pretty impressive. I don't think I've seen anything like this before. It's easy to miss, I actually realized a day after finishing the game so if you have played it but don't know what I'm talking about – thing again about what was the experiment all about.
The game definitely offers some decent entertainment so I can recommend it!
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I got it from the community giveaway, donated by z02228, thanks a lot again!
As most reviews criticize the game has a weird controls – WASD + F + I but without mouse and what's even worse – you can't change it so it seems to be designed for left-handed people. Yeah, it's weird but I won't talk about it.
I did enjoy the game but it's not a masterpiece. A rather short (I believe it took me about 3 hours) adventure game where you have to solve a few puzzles, avoid some dangers and learn about the story. Out of these three elements the first two are rather bland. Puzzles are mostly about gathering items and using them in appropriate places. Nothing really difficult nor frustrating but it felt like a chore. Avoiding a murderer on a killing spree was mostly annoying and way too simplistic to be anyhow enjoyable...
The story itself is actually quite generic but the way it's told and the atmosphere of the game make it worthwhile. As you can read from the description hallucinations play a major role here. The good thing is that you never know which is a reality and which is not. When a room is suddenly changed into an open space with a tree in the middle you immediately assume that it is a hallucination. But when you see a dead body of your friend you can't be so sure anymore... I know that it may not sound anything special when you read it but believe me – it will be when you play it.
I don't like how scientists are presented: maniacs who thinks more about their research than anything else. I'm a scientist myself and trust me – in reality we are different, less dangerous and more boring so I'm not surprised that people want to think about us as mysterious maniacs. But frankly, it's getting old...
Fun fact: the game actually makes a very subtle hint about the influence of player on a main character but it does it without breaking the forth wall which is pretty impressive. I don't think I've seen anything like this before. It's easy to miss, I actually realized a day after finishing the game so if you have played it but don't know what I'm talking about – thing again about what was the experiment all about.
The game definitely offers some decent entertainment so I can recommend it!
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