Just finished the base campaign in StarCraft: Remastered. Apparently that marks the third time that I've finished the entire campaign. Earlier this year SC:R was on sale so I figured that that would be a great occasion to play through the whole thing again and this time I will hopefully go on to beat the Brood War campaign as well (which I've never done - the last time I tried my computer broke down).
I guess I have to be super careful this time since as much as implying that StarCraft might in fact not be perfection incarnate is how you get burned at the stake. So okay, it's StarCraft as everyone knows and loves it, I'll just address the remaster and the how the campaign has aged over the years.
First off: the remaster is good but not perfect. Sure, all the new sprites look great but there's a few things that irk me. On one hand it's cool that instead of just increasing the resolution they added details to all the units, buildings, terrain etc., however, I would have appreciated being able to see a bit more of the battlefield. At least the view has been widened a bit. What disappointed me most, though, was that they only replaced existing sprites but didn't add new ones and the first time I launched SC:R my eyes kinda melted when I saw these crisp new graphics combined with terrible animations. I really would have appreciated if they had gone through the effort of increasing the framerate of the unit animations or adding more angles to them.
Also, I'm not necessarily a fan of the new unit / character faces or the new slideshows between the missions. What annoys me is that they changed the style to make everything look more in line with StarCraft II. It's stupid. Kerrigan, especially as a Zerg, looked far more interesting and intimidating in her original version. Also, it's kinda stupid that Raynor is shown wearing that same biker outfit he wears in StarCraft II. Oh come on! StarCraft II takes place a couple of years later, Raynor has developed a bit as a character in that time, there's no need to retcon the first game's character designs to make them fit Blizzard's generic modern style. Apparently they also rerecorded the voices but frankly everything sounds the way it did in my memory, go figure. Interestingly the music seems pretty much untouched but it holds up perfectly fine anyway.
Then there's the thing that they didn't touch anything else about the game and returning to it now I noticed lots of quirks. I kinda get it that they didn't want to touch any of the game's logic but oh boy, some of that stuff has aged terribly, especially the unit behaviour and pathfinding. Also the UI is far from perfect. There's of course the thing that you still can't select more than 12 units at once, there's no smart select (that skips builder units when dragging a box), double clicking units to select all of one class is kinda unreliable (sometimes I just selected and deselected the same unit instead), it's impossible to track energy or the shields of Protoss units in the unit bar, the bindings of unit abilities are shitty, abilities that should be automated (and actually were in WC3 and SC2) have to be triggered manually... lots of stuff they probably could have safely improved in the remaster without starting a war with South Korea but they didn't. Meh.
As for the campaign... it hasn't aged well. I mean, the story is still great for an RTS, the format with the briefings etc. holds up perfectly fine. The mission design and enemy behaviour has aged terribly, though, and the campaign is very monotonous and tiresome, at least for an average RTS player like me. In pretty much all missions the enemy is very passive, only launching laughable attacks, so it's easy to just keep building one's army until one has a strong formation that it is able to surgically work through the enemy's defenses which is possible due to StarCraft's complex unit dependencies which are simply beyond the AI's capabilities. Most missions can be bruteforced by spamming a combination of two unit types - the result may be slow and boring but it works. The only thing that makes the game remotely difficult is the AI's godlike reflexes when it comes to "spellcaster" units like science vessels, queens or templar. The genre sure has come a long way since then and frankly even some RTS games from that same era, even if not as "good" as StarCraft, are simply more fun to me in singleplayer. Oh yeah, and all the hero missions (besides the first one, maybe) are utter shit.
So as amazing and perfect and bla bla bla as StarCraft may be mechanically as a multiplayer title, its singleplayer portion is just good, not mindblowingly awesome in retrospect.
Post edited February 02, 2019 by F4LL0UT