Ori and the Blind Forest (Switch)
After completing Hollow Knight I decided to have a go at another of the recent metrodivania's that everyone's raving about. Ori and the Blind Forest is a metroidvania, though with a stronger emphasis on platforming, it has a number of unique features in regards to gameplay that make it standout. First off, you can save at any point, but it costs mana, which means in some areas you have to be careful how often you save, as objects to replenish your mana can be far apart. The other main selling point are the graphics, the design of the forest and the creatures in it are incredible. Now, if you don't like platforming, don't get this game, there are a number of mechanics which involve perfect timing, falling into a chasm, or into fire is an instant kill and sends you back to the start. The game is fairly frustrating, it seems to enjoy putting you into chase sequences where you have to run away from a flood or monster, and will make these sequences long with no checkpoints, and often include traps designed to punish you and send you back to the start. The story is... well I imagine some people will enjoy it, I didn't, it's a cutesy woodland tale focusing on friendship, some people might cry, but the story wasn't for me. As I said earlier, if you enjoy platforming and testing your self, then by all means get it. If you like the combat in metroidvania's the best, you may want a second thought, the attack's are homing, which means combat is simply dodging around enemies while spamming the attack button, and there are no boss fights in the game. I did enjoy the game, but I think Hollow Knight has it beat hands down.