Skies of Arcadia: Legends (Gamecube)
Took me a long time to find a copy of this game at a decent price. Skies of Arcadia is a JRPG originally released for the Dreamcast but had a rerelease on the Gamecube. The game centres around a world of floating islands suspended in an endless sky, people travel between islands on flying boats, one of the most common types of travellers on the skies are Sky Pirates. You play as Vyse, son of the Captain of a Sky Pirate group called the Blue Rogues, a mostly benevolent group who follow the Robin Hood philosophy of stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. He is joined by his childhood friend Aika and a mysterious stranger, Fina, as they go in search of 6 crystals in order to save the world (Classic JRPG stuff). Combat is a cross between Grandia and Dragon Quest, characters make 1 attack per round, moving around independently on the battlefield, certain attacks can hit multiple enemies in a line, meaning position can give you an advantage. The other interesting element in the game are the ship battles, which follows a similar style to the normal battles, but with a few more tactical elements.
The story is fairly good, though does contain a few tropes, the dialogue can get fairly childish, but then again the characters are young so it's understandable. Difficulty wise, the game starts off quite hard, which is mostly down to poor balancing in the first dungeons, but eventually follows a steady difficulty curve (Until you unlock the OP abilities which renders every fight easy). Music is good but certain tracks can get repeated a lot. The characters are good and develop well, with the exception of Aika, whose contributions consist of saying 'YAY!' and not a lot else. The game can be slow in place, which isn't helped by the 'Swashbuckler rating', a rank determined by how 'piratey' you are, is required for certain side quests, and decreases if you run away from battles, so you have to fight every enemy you come across making journeying from one side of the world map to the other incredibly frustrating. Overall the game was pretty good, especially the last 50% of the game where it starts to pick up. Unfortunately the game isn't downloadable, and it didn't sell that well on release, making preowned copies pretty expensive, but if you can get a cheap copy, I'd highly recommend it.
Just under 5 years ago I came across a book called 1001 games to play before you die, being curious I brought it and showed it to a friend. He asked me how many games in the book I'd actually played and it turned out to be 81. I expressed an interest in playing what were apparently THE games to play before I die, and so made a bet with a friend that I could play 500 of them in 5 years time. Just under 5 years later I finished playing Skies of Arcadia, the 500th game. I actually found out about GOG from the book itself, and 100 of the games I played were brought from GOG. I'm glad to have accomplished this feat, as it's introduced me to many games I really enjoyed. Unfortunately it's impossible to play all 1001 games from scratch as several games are no longer playable: City of Heroes was shut down a few years ago, the Apple Istore update got rid of quite a few iPhone games in the book and the removal of the old Nintendo store has also meant several download exclusives are gone for good. Now that I've played those 500 I can finally start playing all the games I missed out on. Oh yeah, for those wondering the cost of doing this challenge was about £1700, but that does work out at £3.40 per game, which I think isn't that bad.