Sage103082: *Wildlife narrator voice over*
If you look closely and are very quiet, you can see a wild Sage. This sighting seems to be rarer and rarer these days.
Crikey. Shh do not scare her. She will run. However, I have brought some kitties for keep her attention and hopefully we can get her to stay for a bit longer. =)
joppo: Paging Catventurer. Catventurer, do you copy? You have a mission. Repeat: Catventurer you have a mission.
Hello! I've been busy playing Prophet, which is a module series for Neverwinter Nights that can be found here: There's three chapters after the prologue, and I'm currently on chapter 3.
It does have the absolute most important feature that a game could ever have: cat.
To be more specific, there is a small black cat that is just running around a city at one point. If you click on the cat, you hear a "meow."
This is my first time playing it because it uses CEP, which I've always seen as bloatware. However I typically have at least 100GB of hard drive space free at all times with my current laptop, so I have more than enough hard drive space for CEP bloat. Some of my prior computers were somewhat limited on hard drive space, contributing to that attitude.
Anyway this user created module series solicits far more feels from me than any of the official content that comes with the game as well as the premium content. I haven't gotten this sad over NPC death(s) since the epilogue of Cat Quest, so I'm feeling a bit disappointed with myself that I haven't played Prophet sooner. I now understand why people say the default campaign (Wailing Death) just isn't good because they're comparing it to stuff like this. (Wailing Death isn't bad either. The issue is that some of the user stuff out there is just really impressive.) I'm also more interested in finishing this than playing anything else at the moment.
I promise to be back soon. Until then...