Posted April 16, 2023

A bloody pirate!
Registered: Apr 2012
From Bulgaria

The Reluctant Voter
Registered: Sep 2011
From Vatican City
Posted April 17, 2023
Good to see you're back, GamezRanker, you had us quite a bit worried. Hope things are going much better now for you.
Give us a heads up when your game's up, please.
Give us a heads up when your game's up, please.
Post edited April 17, 2023 by HypersomniacLive

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted April 18, 2023
I've actually run two successful games, in my Escaype series. ;)
(which reminds me, I should some day perhaps work on a new one)
That aside, i'd actually be fine with running a game with a bit of help* from a co-mod :)
(*stuff like picking roles for both sides, making sure the roles on both sides are balanced, etc. I could do/come up with most of the other stuff like flavor text/player & team names/holding votes/etc)
Oh ye of little fayth o.o
(silly comment aside, my work with the Escaype games and gut feeling tell me i'd probably do better on the admin side of a mafia i'd actually be willing to give it a go)
Thanks for the additional vote of confidence *GR tips head and nods hat*
dedoporno: Welcome back. I hope whatever issues made you take a step back are behind you now and you're feeling better. Thanks :)
I am still somewhat busy(my free hours are reduced to a noticeable degree, even now), but I have more free time as of late. I am also feeling decent enough.....physically/mentally/etc.
HypersomniacLive: Good to see you're back, GamezRanker, you had us quite a bit worried. Hope things are going much better now for you. Apologies if I worried any of y'all......that pesky thing called IRL intervened for a bit.....i'll try my best to not let it happen as much in the future ;D
That said, thanks for the kind words to you as well :)
(which reminds me, I should some day perhaps work on a new one)
That aside, i'd actually be fine with running a game with a bit of help* from a co-mod :)
(*stuff like picking roles for both sides, making sure the roles on both sides are balanced, etc. I could do/come up with most of the other stuff like flavor text/player & team names/holding votes/etc)
Oh ye of little fayth o.o
(silly comment aside, my work with the Escaype games and gut feeling tell me i'd probably do better on the admin side of a mafia i'd actually be willing to give it a go)
Thanks for the additional vote of confidence *GR tips head and nods hat*

I am still somewhat busy(my free hours are reduced to a noticeable degree, even now), but I have more free time as of late. I am also feeling decent enough.....physically/mentally/etc.

That said, thanks for the kind words to you as well :)
Post edited April 18, 2023 by GamezRanker

New User
Registered: Apr 2019
From United States
Posted April 18, 2023
Can I haz working version standalone installer for GoG Galaxy for Windows 8.1, plox ? zomgz...

Bring the GOG-Downloader back!
Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany
Posted April 19, 2023
I can co-mod, of we then still get enough players

Registered: Mar 2013
From Spain

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted April 24, 2023
Sounds good.....I even have a good theme/setting in mind. :)
(I just need to pick proper roles/etc to balance/set it up right.....which I will prolly
need a bit of help with....though I have a few ideas based on the setting/theme)
So, should we open a sign up thread(or is one already open and I didn't see it yet), or wait?
- feels good to be back :)
(I just need to pick proper roles/etc to balance/set it up right.....which I will prolly
need a bit of help with....though I have a few ideas based on the setting/theme)
So, should we open a sign up thread(or is one already open and I didn't see it yet), or wait?
- feels good to be back :)
Post edited April 24, 2023 by GamezRanker

Bring the GOG-Downloader back!
Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany

Registered: Mar 2009
From Russian Federation
Posted April 24, 2023
Who is that GR? I've never heard of him before. Maybe we should challenge him to a game and show him who's boss!
All in all, I'm glad you're finally back! Maybe we can play together someday.
All in all, I'm glad you're finally back! Maybe we can play together someday.

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted April 25, 2023
Which game number are we up to, again? :\
Ah crehp, I wanna get it going so I'll just label it GR's 1st mafia game signup or some such, and we'll put the official number on the actual game thread when we get to it.
Cadaver747: Who is that GR? I've never heard of him before. Maybe we should challenge him to a game and show him who's boss! No need....everyone knows that Tony Danza is the boss :D
Well, you can always sign up for the new game and try your luck. :)
Ah crehp, I wanna get it going so I'll just label it GR's 1st mafia game signup or some such, and we'll put the official number on the actual game thread when we get to it.

Well, you can always sign up for the new game and try your luck. :)
Post edited April 25, 2023 by GamezRanker

Bring the GOG-Downloader back!
Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany
Posted April 25, 2023

Ah crehp, I wanna get it going so I'll just label it GR's 1st mafia game signup or some such, and we'll put the official number on the actual game thread when we get to it.
That was #79. So yours would be #80!
@Gogfather: could you please update the OP? There are some games missing by now!

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted April 26, 2023
Thank ye kindly for the info :)
Speaking of threads: I am having trouble making a new thread....I get the words "please wait processing image" on the lower right of the new thread box every time I try to make a thread, no matter the content.
I have PMd a mod(Clownski), and will see/report here how it goes.
Speaking of threads: I am having trouble making a new thread....I get the words "please wait processing image" on the lower right of the new thread box every time I try to make a thread, no matter the content.
I have PMd a mod(Clownski), and will see/report here how it goes.

Kitten Tamer: 8
Registered: Mar 2014
From United States
Posted April 28, 2023
Would a new game be starting soon?

Adm. Clíodhna, Phoenix, GM
Registered: Jan 2014
From United States
Posted April 28, 2023

I won't have time to play yet (still RL stuff), but with you and Lift co-scheming ... uh, I mean hosting, yeah ... I'm sure it will be a fun read.
@Catventurer - Oh, I like the cat and dog idea - but we'd need a few more towncats so pups won't simply bite any cat with the 'scum' tag.

Savior of Cats
Registered: Mar 2021
From United States
Posted April 28, 2023

I won't have time to play yet (still RL stuff), but with you and Lift co-scheming ... uh, I mean hosting, yeah ... I'm sure it will be a fun read.
@Catventurer - Oh, I like the cat and dog idea - but we'd need a few more towncats so pups won't simply bite any cat with the 'scum' tag.
Church (cat) from Pet Sematary
Power: No Trucks Allowed (cat) - Because this is a non-lethal game, trucks are not allowed. This means that Church is in no danger of being killed and burred in dodgy cemeteries thus remains the sweet cat that he is with no special powers.
Small Black Kitten (cat) from The Cats of Ulthar
Power: Cat of Ulthar - If actually killed, all cats regardless of their alignment, including those that have have been eliminated from play but are still alive, will be compelled to exact revenge by descending en mass on who or whatever actually killed the small black kitten to kill and eat them. In a non-lethal game, this means that the small black kitten has no powers because the small black kitten won't be killed. (This is why in Ulthar, town law is that nobody may kill a cat.)