Posted January 07, 2022

I love gold!
Registered: Jan 2010
From Ireland

my name is catte
i touch your foods
Registered: Mar 2010
From United Kingdom

The Reluctant Voter
Registered: Sep 2011
From Vatican City

I'm not a duck
Registered: Dec 2017
From United States
Posted January 08, 2022
so, i have now received Pooka's script and have figured out how to setup pythn and run the thing.
However, my brain is at a loss for flavour or setting.
If you folk would toss a few settings ideas at me, or if someone would be willing to write seveal batches of flavour that I could then pick & choose from as the situation evolves, i'd love it.
Nooooo. :(
However, my brain is at a loss for flavour or setting.
If you folk would toss a few settings ideas at me, or if someone would be willing to write seveal batches of flavour that I could then pick & choose from as the situation evolves, i'd love it.
Nooooo. :(

I'm not a duck
Registered: Dec 2017
From United States
Posted January 08, 2022
How is this for a game setting?
Maybe a Hherlock Solmes setting? Professor Boriarty got a nasty knock on the noggin and disappeared. He was rescued by two trusty Leftenants who recognized him and are keeping him for safekeeping. He of course doesn't recognize them and sets about trying to trap the intrepid hero, Hherlock Solmes.
Everyone else is a Scotland Yard employee/investigator?
Knights of the Drowned Table? as mystic Heroes of Atlantis, 10 men(?) (Nobles of the Realm all) gather around a rectangular table many fathoms underwater. They are all wearing helmets, and they gather to contemplate how to raise Atlantis again!
Only some of them are merfolk (the nasty ones, not the nice ones from fiction) and these villains want to keep Atlantis underwater so they can hoard the treasures for themselves. One of them is King of the Merfolk! If they can pass Certain Policies, Atlantis will never rise above the waters!
I kinda have some dumb flavor already written for the Underwater scenario but the Holmes one would also do easily.
Maybe a Hherlock Solmes setting? Professor Boriarty got a nasty knock on the noggin and disappeared. He was rescued by two trusty Leftenants who recognized him and are keeping him for safekeeping. He of course doesn't recognize them and sets about trying to trap the intrepid hero, Hherlock Solmes.
Everyone else is a Scotland Yard employee/investigator?
Knights of the Drowned Table? as mystic Heroes of Atlantis, 10 men(?) (Nobles of the Realm all) gather around a rectangular table many fathoms underwater. They are all wearing helmets, and they gather to contemplate how to raise Atlantis again!
Only some of them are merfolk (the nasty ones, not the nice ones from fiction) and these villains want to keep Atlantis underwater so they can hoard the treasures for themselves. One of them is King of the Merfolk! If they can pass Certain Policies, Atlantis will never rise above the waters!
I kinda have some dumb flavor already written for the Underwater scenario but the Holmes one would also do easily.
Post edited January 08, 2022 by Microfish_1

Registered: Mar 2009
From Russian Federation
Posted January 08, 2022
I personally love the idea of Sherlock Holmes setting, you may sign me whenever you want as Player #13.

I'm not a duck
Registered: Dec 2017
From United States

Registered: Mar 2009
From Russian Federation

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted January 08, 2022
low rated
What about your unorthodox friends? o.0 ;)
Microfish_1: If you folk would toss a few settings ideas at me, or if someone would be willing to write seveal batches of flavour that I could then pick & choose from as the situation evolves, i'd love it. I would do so, but am sick(not covid) atm, and also busy i'm working on a special sekrit project for the forums that i've been delaying.
That said, I wouldn't mind helping write flavor for and co-modding a game some day :)
Tbh i'd be ok with either setting, though I have a bit more preference for Sherlock, and (as you've likely seen before) I like the character and have made references/etc to them in my mafia game posts sometimes.
(also add me to the list for your game, in any slot except 6 o.0 :D)
JoeSapphire: I'm not going to have a computer at home for a while, and I think I missed the opportune moment sorry :/
but hopef we'll get it up again at a better time This sucks to hear....both you not having access to a PC and also the game thing.
Suggestion: maybe hold that thread until the next mafia game is over, and just continue with that one then?

That said, I wouldn't mind helping write flavor for and co-modding a game some day :)
Tbh i'd be ok with either setting, though I have a bit more preference for Sherlock, and (as you've likely seen before) I like the character and have made references/etc to them in my mafia game posts sometimes.
(also add me to the list for your game, in any slot except 6 o.0 :D)

but hopef we'll get it up again at a better time
Suggestion: maybe hold that thread until the next mafia game is over, and just continue with that one then?
Post edited January 08, 2022 by GamezRanker

A bloody pirate!
Registered: Apr 2012
From Bulgaria

The Reluctant Voter
Registered: Sep 2011
From Vatican City
Posted January 08, 2022
I was jokingly implying that me signing up for a game after a very long time was the direct cause for Joe to lose access to a home computer, but apparently it didn't translate as intended over the forum; oh well.
On a different note, your game settings sound fun, so I expect peeps to enjoy whichever you do.
On a different note, your game settings sound fun, so I expect peeps to enjoy whichever you do.

Bring the GOG-Downloader back!
Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany
Posted January 08, 2022
I like the idea of a Sherlock Holmes SH!

I'm not a duck
Registered: Dec 2017
From United States
Posted January 09, 2022

On a different note, your game settings sound fun, so I expect peeps to enjoy whichever you do.
@Joe I hope you home computer situation gets sorted ASAP!
Sherlock Holmes honestly will be harder for me to brainstorm just because I don't know London/Europe (let alone 19th century Europe) well enough to know what sorts of things might come crashing down when the F's get a point. :O
I don't know how you folks write flavour all the time.
But, I shall give it a go!
Idk if @ZFR's game or my game will go first? It is up to him. I'd need several more days thinking about flavour for a Herlock Sholmes Game (and maybe digging out our old Doyle books for inspiration!)
I could or I could do something Never before done in SH history! (that I know of, anyway)
instead of having players 1-10, I could have players 11-20! (the afternoon shift/midnight shift, or just the first 10 slots were already filled by Gummy Bears and so I had to clean off extra seats!)
Post edited January 09, 2022 by Microfish_1

I'm not a duck
Registered: Dec 2017
From United States
Posted January 09, 2022

I'm not a duck
Registered: Dec 2017
From United States
Posted January 09, 2022

I would do so, but am sick(not covid) atm, and also busy i'm working on a special sekrit project for the forums that i've been delaying.
That said, I wouldn't mind helping write flavor for and co-modding a game some day :)
Tbh i'd be ok with either setting, though I have a bit more preference for Sherlock, and (as you've likely seen before) I like the character and have made references/etc to them in my mafia game posts sometimes.
(also add me to the list for your game, in any slot except 6 o.0 :D)
I hope you feel better soon!
Added in slot 14!