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Bloody hell - has it been ten years?? Been a good while since I touched down on these shores - hows it hanging everyone? :)
Robbeasy: Bloody hell - has it been ten years?? Been a good while since I touched down on these shores - hows it hanging everyone? :)
Hello, Grandpa, but be careful. Don't overexert yourself.
You know you are not as young as you used to be and can't keep with us young'uns.

Good to see you again. Has only the the anniversary of GOG brought you here?

The more important anniversary is going to be in 2 years, whne it will be 10 years since first mafia game here.
ZFR: Sorry, forgot to add this.
You are evil for getting my hopes up like this!
Robbeasy: Bloody hell - has it been ten years?? Been a good while since I touched down on these shores - hows it hanging everyone? :)
Ah, it feels like it was yesterday when I Town vig killed you (Town cop) on N1 in my very first game here. Good times, good times.
Robbeasy: Bloody hell - has it been ten years?? Been a good while since I touched down on these shores - hows it hanging everyone? :)
Yoooo, another mafia oldie!
Robbeasy: Bloody hell - has it been ten years?? Been a good while since I touched down on these shores - hows it hanging everyone? :)
Hey guy! Been awhile. :)

Things are going...okay. Gog forum keeps breaking in new and interesting ways.
Robbeasy: Bloody hell - has it been ten years?? Been a good while since I touched down on these shores - hows it hanging everyone? :)
Hi there! Are you going to play again in the next game? That would be awesome!
Robert Beasy!!
sadly dont get the time like i used to - new jobs and real life stuff gets in the way, you know?

Checked in silently every now and then - i suspect i would be outwitted even more quickly than i used to be, should i play a game of Mafia now :)

Never say never though - keep sending me the invites, if things change and I find the time from somewhere I would love to have another go..
Robbeasy: sadly dont get the time like i used to - new jobs and real life stuff gets in the way, you know?

Checked in silently every now and then - i suspect i would be outwitted even more quickly than i used to be, should i play a game of Mafia now :)

Never say never though - keep sending me the invites, if things change and I find the time from somewhere I would love to have another go..
I hope life lets you play again soon, we have missed you :)
Robbeasy: .............

Never say never though - keep sending me the invites
Will do.
Robbeasy: Never say never though - keep sending me the invites, if things change and I find the time from somewhere I would love to have another go..
I hope to be around if and when that happens!
Russian roulette idea:

Same as last one, except:
Mafia team smaller (2 out of 12 for examples)
No mafia chat
But... mafia know where the bullets are.

ZFR: Russian roulette idea:

Same as last one, except:
Mafia team smaller (2 out of 12 for examples)
No mafia chat
But... mafia know where the bullets are.

Interesting, but after mulling a few min I think that would tilt to Maf advantage, and from a town POV would make the game almost entirely RNG.

It would basically eliminate any chance town has of reading, given that, for example, Lift targeting Trent on a misfire tells you nothing about either player's alignment, and the flip of one tells you nothing about the other. So I don't know that it makes maf stronger, but it basically eliminates pretty much any 'solving' town might be able to do.

Though certainly half the player base thinks the game should be a random shoot-fest anyway, so the majority may not have a concern with that.

The exact balance of power, though, would depend somewhat on when ability to shoot resets. It's far more powerful in say, Krypsyn's ruleset than in the one we just ran, though that may seem counter-intuitive.
I was thinking of Joe's resetting version.

Town can "solve" by observing which 2 players shoot unerringly. Mafia have to balance between pretending not to know where the bullets are and actually use these bullets to kill town.

Of course lots of RNG still involved. That's partly the fun of it.
Post edited October 07, 2018 by ZFR