Hey guys, in preparation for the next game I thought I'd have a play around with my post filtering script from
And good news, I've made it easier! :D
I've managed to combine it all into one so you only have to run it once rather than put three separate scripts in.
Now all you need to do is enter this into your console:
for (var i =
84; i > 0; i--)
var threadURL = "/forum/general/
gog_mafia_25_terror_at_tres_leches/page" + i + " .spot_h"
var $newdiv = $( "<div class='page" + i + "posts'/>" )
$( ".list_h" ).prepend($newdiv)
$( ".page" + i + "posts").load(threadURL, function() {
$( ".b_u_name" )
.filter(function() {
return this.nodeType === 3;
.wrap( "<a></a>" )
jQuery('.b_u_name a:not(:contains(
As before just change the three bold elements, the page number of the last page, the name of the actual thread and the name of the player you want to filter posts for.
Hope it helps :)