fables22: I'm not quite sure what happened in the past - but I would go with the "whoever programmed the forum doesn't work here anymore" option. But either way, what I said is the way it is now, hence why it needs re-worked. We will find a way to do it though, I'm positive.
WBGhiro: making deleted posts accessible to blue people would be a good start, I guess you can't do anythign about those that already got deleted but it's a pretty dumb system as really dumb/spammy posts get exterminated by the community and the offending users get off the hook easily.
Yep, agreed and on the list already. I think we might go the other direction though and see about making sure posts don't get deleted automatically....if doable at all.
fables22: [...] we don't currently have a way to ban users without deactivating their account, which is something we really don't want to resort to. However, I've been working with our website team on working out a way to (temporarily or indefinitely) stop people from posting on the forums, [...]
HypersomniacLive: Are you talking about banning users from the site as a whole, including private communication, while allowing them only access to their purchased titles? If not, preventing users from posting in the forum is already possible, always has been, as evidenced by at least a couple of cases in the past - users were banned from posting on the forum, yet retained full access and control over their account (library, PMs, etc.). And IIRC, this did not change when the NAS was introduced.
If yes, that'll be interesting to see, as allowing a banned user the privilege of still being able to contact other users privately never made sense to me.
Thanks for the update.
As I already said - that's not the current situation, as far as I'm concerned and as far as I know from the website team. They do now it's possible though, so it's only about making it available to me. I agree that keeping PMs available is a bit of a weird move, so will need to look into this further..
fables22: Anyway, just to update y'all: it's been made obvious to me by quite a few of you (and thank you guys for making me aware - you know who you are) that tackling the problems with alt accounts, trolling & scamming, and moderation of hate speech are the three most burning issues that we currently have going. Just so you don't feel ignored or left to your own devices again, I thought i'd update you on the progress here. Due to the way our forums are programmed, we don't currently have a way to ban users without deactivating their account, which is something we really don't want to resort to. However, I've been working with our website team on working out a way to (temporarily or indefinitely) stop people from posting on the forums, which I think is a step in the right direction. However, it would also involve a re-work of the downvoting system because the way it works now and with automatic deletion of posts, it's hard to track offensive posts (& trolling/scamming) back once they're gone. Again - something I'm in talks with website about.

Cyraxpt: But why keep patching the drowning boat? It's clear that the web team is clueless about the old old software, so perhaps, maaaaaaaaaybe switch for something new and better, no?
If gog has ANY decency then it should make it clear if that (a new forum) will happen or not, i'm not talking about a ambiguous PR answer, i'm talking about clearly saying YES or NO.
Well, in that case the answer for now is NO. But maybe it's another things that needs to be discussed to see what's what and what the options are.