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low rated
Ciris: If you don't have a CD PROJEKT RED account - this does not affect you.

In short, CD PROJEKT RED is our "sister company", if I may - we are parts of the same business group. We share an office building and do Witcher-y stuff together from time to time, and generally are good friends. :)
HypersomniacLive: I guess that it has not occurred to you that some people prefer to use different tags and credentials across sites...

Good thing I don't have a CDPR account then. I hope it won't ever become a prerequisite to keep using GOG.
This isn't some new concept really. Since they are both the same company, why split your user base? If they had no relation then yea I could see that being ridiculous.

A lot of companies make all there account stuff only take one account for convenience and ease of use on the end user. That makes perfect sense really. Should have been like that from the start.
Maighstir: I'd still bet it's mostly changing in the account management back-end system, not web front-end.
That was my presumption as well, an architectural change. It merely has manifestations on the web side as symptoms of the underlying alterations.
Hmmm, good idea! And when can we log in using GoG account, over there?!?
low rated
avatar If your nickname is already in use on CD PROJEKT RED forums by another account, a random string of numbers will be added to the end of the other, non-merged CD PROJEKT RED one. In case you would want to switch your username, the option of contacting our support to change it remains open during and after the merge.
My only question is why the hell do we still have to contact GOG support to change a username. Considering our login is our email this feature should be in our account settings and it's little ridiculous that were still have to do this in this day and age honestly. Even if you want to limit the amount you can change it or something in a given month/year ect would even be acceptable.
Post edited February 03, 2015 by BKGaming
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Hmmm, good idea! And when can we log in using GoG account, over there?!?
Once the merge is complete.
Post edited February 03, 2015 by Maighstir
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Hmmm, good idea! And when can we log in using GoG account, over there?!?
Maighstir: Most likely.
Most likely when? Now?
Maighstir: Most likely.
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Most likely when? Now?
I missed a couple words when reading your question, apologies. Changed it for a useless, but likely correct answer.
Maighstir: Most likely.
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Most likely when? Now?
Here you go, quote from the CD Project Red forum:
How much time do I have to merge my account?

Your account has to be merged before March 9th.
Then it should probably work.
Post edited February 03, 2015 by moonshineshadow
high rated
Ciris: I'm sorry, I was just trying to humorously explain an issue to lighten the mood, since I can't actively do anything about it at this moment (and wouldn't know how to go about it myself).

In case of any issues with the site or games or anything else, support is the #1 place to go. Additionally, I'll ask internally if there's any issue we know of that's causing that to happen.
Humour is fine so long as actual work is seriously done to address the issues that are cropping up, and that's something you don't communicate. GOG support sends out canned replies apologising for any inconvenience, all the while you proceed with changes that cause more issues.
How long is it now that the account button is broken on secure pages that have not been revamped?

A couple of hours ago you did something that broke all the avatars. Up to that moment, the account pages were recognised as being fully secure (https). After the avatars were restored, along with the new Galaxy login screen, the account pages are broken, as the avatars are over plain http. It's not particularly reassuring to see that one's account is not 100% secure. If GOG is not aware of this, then the web devs are doing an even poorer job than I thought.

As for my question on whom to contact - I'm well aware that the channel is support, but I was hoping for some direction as to what to pick from the limited menu that GOG support offers so that we won't have to wait for weeks for a reply and a fix.
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Most likely when? Now?
moonshineshadow: Here you go, quote from the CD Project Red forum:

How much time do I have to merge my account?

Your account has to be merged before March 9th.
moonshineshadow: Then it should probably work.
No, i don't have an account over there, so i cannot merge. My question was when i could log in there using my GoG account as is!
Post edited February 03, 2015 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
moonshineshadow: Here you go, quote from the CD Project Red forum:

Then it should probably work.
KiNgBrAdLeY7: No, i don't have an account over there, so i cannot merge. My question was when i could log in there using my GoG account as is!
Ok.. I'll spell if out for you. Merging is until 9th of March. Then the accounts for both forums are the same. SO you should be able to log into the CD Project forums by then... since that what is the opening post of this thread is saying...
Post edited February 03, 2015 by moonshineshadow
high rated
Ciris: In case of any issues with the site or games or anything else, support is the #1 place to go. Additionally, I'll ask internally if there's any issue we know of that's causing that to happen.
Support is useless. Your forum has been overrun by spambots for a week. A few dedicated community members have been policing the forums on your behalf, trying to clear up the spam. Several people have contacted support about it, and the only reply anyone has ever gotten is "we're working on it". For all any of us has seen, nobody is working on it. Nothing has been done by GOG, not one goddamn thing. Of course, I may be wrong, and you are all working diligently behind the scenes, spending days upon days gold plating a solution to the problem and letting the forum slide down the drain in the mean time. Oh yeah, and keeping quiet about what is actually going on, that seems to be a given with GOG by now.

Find somebody who knows. Ask them what's going on. Then come back and tell us.
KiNgBrAdLeY7: No, i don't have an account over there, so i cannot merge. My question was when i could log in there using my GoG account as is!
moonshineshadow: Ok.. I'll spell if out for you. Merging is until 9th of March. Then the accounts for both forums are the same. SO you should be able to log into the CD Project forums by then...
Whoopsie! Ok! Then. I was a little hasty, as always! Cannot help it, i am running out of time, after all... :(
high rated
BKGaming: This isn't some new concept really. Since they are both the same company, why split your user base? If they had no relation then yea I could see that being ridiculous.

A lot of companies make all there account stuff only take one account for convenience and ease of use on the end user. That makes perfect sense really. Should have been like that from the start.
I'm sorry, I don't recall asking for your opinion, nor do I care about it.
And before you say that you're entitled to speak your mind - by all means you are and should, just like everyone else here. My objection lies with you making it a direct reply to me when I addressed my comment towards GOG.

Have a nice day.

Wishbone: Support is useless. Your forum has been overrun by spambots for a week. A few dedicated community members have been policing the forums on your behalf, trying to clear up the spam. Several people have contacted support about it, and the only reply anyone has ever gotten is "we're working on it". For all any of us has seen, nobody is working on it. Nothing has been done by GOG, not one goddamn thing. Of course, I may be wrong, and you are all working diligently behind the scenes, spending days upon days gold plating a solution to the problem and letting the forum slide down the drain in the mean time. Oh yeah, and keeping quiet about what is actually going on, that seems to be a given with GOG by now.

Find somebody who knows. Ask them what's going on. Then come back and tell us.
Have a +1.
low rated
BKGaming: This isn't some new concept really. Since they are both the same company, why split your user base? If they had no relation then yea I could see that being ridiculous.

A lot of companies make all there account stuff only take one account for convenience and ease of use on the end user. That makes perfect sense really. Should have been like that from the start.
HypersomniacLive: I'm sorry, I don't recall asking for your opinion, nor do I care about it.
And before you say that you're entitled to speak your mind - by all means you are and should, just like everyone else here. My objection lies with you making it a direct reply to me when I addressed my comment towards GOG.

Have a nice day.
I'm sorry but I really don't care if you don't recall asking for my opinion nor care to about it. You posted on public forum and got a response. Considering you made the post and I had something I wanted to say on that issue, it was only logical to reply to you.

So you have a nice day. :)
Post edited February 03, 2015 by BKGaming