CharlesGrey: Something just occurred to me: People here have been defending the choice of actor and his portrayal of the character because the series is ( apparently ) not based on the games, or at least not the events of the third game -- But does that even make sense? Who exactly is the target audience for this new series? Isn't it primarily for the fans of the games? I dare say it wouldn't exist without the immense success of the video game adaptions, in particular Witcher 3. I know the books already had a certain fanbase, but mostly in Poland/ Europe, and as far as I know this is a US production. Besides, book enthusiasts pretty much universally prefer the original novels and rarely approve of TV series or movie adaptions. So again, can they afford
not to base their character designs on Witcher 3? Or for that matter, do they even have any rights to the designs of the Witcher games, or are they intentionally avoiding obvious similarities to prevent legal issues, as they only have a deal with the novel author/ publisher and not CDP(R)?
Is CDP funding it? My understanding is that the author's trying to use some fancy court loophole in poland to try to sue CDP right now, 'cause he's salty he sold the rights cheaper than they were worth, 'cause he had no faith that CDPR could make it more popular than his books. My guess is, this is more or less someone needed a story, jumped on The Witcher/The Hexer just like CDPR did. I think kind of like the Monster Hunter movie that's being made, they're not really focused on the long time fans of the respective series.