dtgreene: I consider it
highly immoral to spy on the employer and, for example, deny employment because she happens to be transgender.
Also, you *can* become a politician with a criminal record, especially if the "crime" is something that is rather popular or is covered up. In fact, I suspect that politicians on average commit crimes more often than the average person. I can think of two cases where elected US officials have ignored court orders: One is, of course, Kim Davis for refusing to issue marriage license, while the other, much older (and much serious) case is Andrew Jackson (then the US president) ignoring the US Supreme Court and forcing Native Americans to leave their lands, causing deaths of thousands.
You are assuming that every employer out there has the same morality standards as you do. They don't.
Most employers don't give a damn about the candidate's privacy. The more info they have on him/her, the better.
When I mean crime in modern times, I mean violent crime where people get physically get hurt, not white collar crime like hiding tax returns or bribing people or what Kim Davis did.
Ted Kennedy would have become president if it wasn't for his drink and driving charges. So no you cannot become a politician in modern times if you have criminal charges for violent or grievous crime.