Posted January 15, 2017

No, the German woman of Turkish descent didn't apologize to or even address that facebook post to her rapist – if it even was rape, as no official source nor she herself ever called what happened that.
presumably of my age. Perhaps a few years younger. A bit older.
I am so incredibly sorry!
Almost a year ago I saw the hell, which you escaped from.
I wasn’t directly in the center, but I visited the people in the refugee center in southern Kurdistan. I saw old grandmothers, who had to take care of too many orphaned children.
I saw the eyes of those kids, a few didn’t lose their light.
I also saw others, whose gaze was empty and traumatizing.
I was shown arabic writing in a math class of 20 Yazidi children and still remember how a little girl cried, only because a chair fell over.
I saw a bit of the hell, that you escaped from.
I didn’t see, what happened before that and didn’t have to live through your exhausting escape.
I am happy and glad that you made it here. That you left the IS and the war behind you and didn’t drown in the Mediterranean.
But I fear, you aren’t safe here.
Burning refugee homes, physical attacks on refugees and a brown [Referring to brown-shirts] mob that moves through the streets.
I always fought against it.
I wanted an open Europe, a friendly one. One that I can gladly live in and one in which we are both safe in. I am sorry. For us both I am so incredibly sorry.
You, you aren’t safe here, because we live in a racist society.
I, I am not safe here, because we live in a sexist society.
But what truly makes me feel sorry, are the circumstances by which the sexist and boundary crossing acts that were inflicted on me, make it so that you [the refugee] are beset by increasing and more aggressive racism.
I promise you, I will scream. I will not allow it, that this continues happening. I will not stand by idly and watch as racists and concerned citizens call you a problem.
You are not the problem. You are not a problem at all.
You most often are a wonderful human being, who deserves to be free and safe like everyone else.
Thank you that you exist, and glad to have you here.
#refugeeswelcome #sexismknowsnoplaceofbirth "
She wrote this a few days after her sexual assault by 3 refugees who forced her to perform sexual acts on them. Stockholm Syndrome/the disease that is extreme leftism.

She apologized on your behalf.
Islamic countries can take these people and they wont have to worry about our 'racism' and we wont have to worry about their rape.
Post edited January 15, 2017 by GreasyDogMeat