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macuahuitlgog: When will Germans vote out those censorship Nazis that want to ban every fucking PC game and console game that has a little bit of violence in it? For people who are progressive when it comes to most things, they are not very progressive when it comes to PC games and console games.
Well, here's the thing: There has been quite a shift in recent years to liberalise these rather draconian censorship measures. Take The Evil Dead for instance: Banned in Germany for some 35 years - not age restricted, BANNED!, as in you might go to jail if you sell this thing - , it aired uncut for the first time on German free TV yesterday. Why? Because Sony went the whole way: They had to appeal a 35 year old court ruling that stated this film glorified violence (which is a criminal offence in Germany), they then had to appeal to the governmental media watchdog BPJM to have them reevaluate whether this film is harmful to minors and then lastly get a re-rating by the FSK, the German equivalent of the MPAA.

As you can imagine, this is a rather costly process, and most media organisations will be reluctant to make these kind of expenses on a backlog title that won't sell more than a few hundred (thousand, if they're lucky) copies. Some companies went the whole nine yards for films like The Evil Dead, Battle Royale and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. With most of the games that are geolocked in gog's or Steam's catalogue, they're mostly on the BPJM's "harmful to minors" blacklist, so you don't have to jump through the hoop of having to get a court to look at it. It's still costly, though. So the bottom line is: Most of these decisions date back to the 90s and early 00s, when these organisations were much more restrictive than they are now. If the publishers were to take care of it, they could get all of these games off the blacklist in one swipe. Duke Nukem, Shadow Warrior, Half-Life, all of those got a free pass on appeal. But it's not going to happen in most cases, since nobody wants to spend the money for that.

Games and films getting blacklisted and banned has become rather rare in comparison to the past decades. As to the question who started this whole shit? I would guess that these kind of draconian censorship measures are mostly influenced by CDU/CSU policies. I know for a fact that the CSU-governed state of Bavaria was always very eager to sic their percecutors on films and other media.
I've just had an interesting discussion with a colleague who reckoned that I should be "pleased" that the FDP were probably coming back into power alongside the CDU, as I'm a freelancer running my own business. And indeed, my initial thoughts were that, at least my tax burden will probably go down again. But the more I look at their policies and think about the situation as a whole, the more worried I get.

Firstly, the FDP are trying to move towards a "flat tax", which is known to benefit the rich more than it does low or average earners. The reality is that you don't start hitting high levels of tax until you reach around €45,000-€50,000, and the FDP is seeking to eliminate the 43%-45% tax imposed from an income of €53,666. If you have a flat tax that roughly maintains the same tax burden on sub-€40,000 earners, it massively reduces the tax revenue from the higher earners, and the loss needs to be made up with drastically reduced public spending. If public spending cannot be cut, the shortfall ends up coming out of the pockets of the middle class. Most freelancers don't earn more than (or much more than) the €45,000 threshold for this to be relevant.

The second is to facilitate the shift between private and statutory health insurers. At the moment most statutory health insurers impose a block on people aged 40 or over from shifting from private to statutory health insurance. This is to stop people from exploiting the cheap "Lockvogel" premiums of the private insurers when they're young and healthy before switching back to the statutory ones when they get old and sick. What the FDP essentially plans to do is eliminate this block, so that the private insurers can have their pick of the young & healthy while the statutory ones are left funding the old & infirm. For those of us who make decent livings but have pre-existing conditions that make private health insurance non-viable (my statutory premiums are crippling, but they're still less than what the private ones quoted me!), this essentially means that we're going to be financing the healthcare of the low-income bracket. I expect that would probably be achieved by lifting the premium limit of around €700 a month.

The only good thing that the FDP has been proposing is the abolition of the solidarity surcharge, but most parties were proposing this anyway (except Die Linke and the Greens).

So, no, the FDP is not a good thing for freelancers. The FDP is only good if you're earning €100,000 or over.
Post edited September 25, 2017 by _ChaosFox_
Just ehat the world needed:An extreme right wing party gaining a position of power in Germany.
THat worked out so great the last time it happened......
_ChaosFox_: Anyway, I'm going to start pulling my business interests out of the East, starting with my web hosting, and I'll only be paying my "solidarity surcharge" (the unfortunately named tax surcharge that we pay to prop up the East as a failed region) under protest. I'm done with the place.
lol, you do realize that East Germans pay Solidaritätszuschlag as well?
Really pathetic how West Germans (usually West German lefties) whine about East Germany (and Eastern Europe in general).
dudalb: Just ehat the world needed:An extreme right wing party gaining a position of power in Germany.
THat worked out so great the last time it happened......
Like I said back in '91.

-What do you get when two Germanys come together?

-Out of the way.
morolf: lol, you do realize that East Germans pay Solidaritätszuschlag as well?
Yeah, and where do you think the money's going, whether it's paid by a West or East German, you fucking idiot?
Post edited September 26, 2017 by _ChaosFox_
dudalb: Just ehat the world needed:An extreme right wing party gaining a position of power in Germany.
THat worked out so great the last time it happened......
They're not gaining "a position of power", they're merely entering parliament.
And none of this would have happened if it hadn't been for Merkel's insane open borders policy since 2015. AfD would have collapsed long ago if it hadn't been for that.
I suggest you Americans take off all Syrian refugees from Germany and resettle them in the US, after all your country's meddling played its role in f***ing up Syria (just as you're helping f**k up Yemen right now).
Telika: Around 13% of 3rd Reich nostalgics, in a country [...]
Germany's Population: 82,7 Mio
Thereof eligible to vote: 61,5 Mio

Actual voter turnout: 75% (~ 46,13 Mio)
Thereof AfD-voters: 12,6% (~ 5,8 Mio)

Converted to Germany as a whole, AfD voters account for ~ 4.8% of the population.

And yes - most of them are as deplorable as the average Trump voter.
Either too dumb, to know they are getting played, or just too full of hate to care.

Oh, and...
Telika: [...]a country that bans swastikas from videogames about shooting nazis. Amusing on so many levels.
Most of the AfD voters are of an age, where they think of videogames as the devil's work - so I don't think, the point, that amuses you so much, has anything to do with this.
Post edited September 26, 2017 by BreOl72
morolf: lol, you do realize that East Germans pay Solidaritätszuschlag as well?
_ChaosFox_: Yeah, and where do you think the money's going, whether it's paid by a West or East German, you fucking idiot?
Doesn't matter, your West German arrogance is sickening. West Germans got lucky after 1945 and behave as if somehow that was some achievement of their own, instead of being due to the simple fact that the Red Army didn't get any further west. The East payed the price for Nazism and WW2 and suffered 40 years of commie dictatorship. Under those conditions some solidarity with one's fellow countrymen shouldn't be that hard, but guys like you just constantly whine and think they're super-generous when you're just being a despicable, selfish asshole.
If we could somehow convince a Blue to rename this thread "Erections in Germany" it might stop being so hostile in here.
BreOl72: Most of the AfD voters are of an age, where they think of videogames as the devil's work - so I don't think, the point, that amuses you so much, has anything to do with this.
Not really true, AfD was especially strong in the 30-44 (16%) age bracket, which is the age of many here I'd suppose.
(see: ).
By contrast, they only got 10% of those over 60, and only 7% of those over 70.
It's rather the Christian Democrats and the Social Democrats who are more and more becoming old people's parties.
And maybe the AfD will eventually produce its own video games, wouldn't surprise me (e.g. "Protecting the border" where you have to fight against illegal immigrants, or a WW2 shooter from the German point of view, with historical commentary by Gauland...).
Telika: [...]a country that bans swastikas from videogames about shooting nazis. Amusing on so many levels.
BreOl72: Most of the AfD voters are of an age, where they think of videogames as the devil's work - so I don't think, the point, that amuses you so much, has anything to do with this.
No causality implied. The correlation alone amuses me. If anything, the lack of causality itself is funny. The ban of swastika in shoot-the-nazi games only feels, as a side-effect, like a protect-the-nazi-feelings decision, but is just part of a general antinazi stance about globally excluding their symbolism in the public place. And, to add another layer to it, it is pointless given the ease of nazi/fascist values rebranding (as illustrated individually by the Golden Dawn kinNgSbraDley here and his white supremacist avatar, and collectively by the relative success of nazism's heirs in today's elections).

It's just layers over layers of absurdities. Better sit back and enjoy.
low rated
Merkel is an ugly fat disgusting pig who destroys her country and is strictly anti-German.
immi101: to trash a few million people because ~20% voted for the "wrong" party ... *smh*
very quick way to throw away any moral high ground (that you supposedly had)
also yeah democracy ...

"let's throw everybody out who doesn't fit in politically ..."
you would fit right in the eastern mindset that you describe :p
_ChaosFox_: This isn't just about 20% voting for the "wrong" party (and for what it's worth, it's more like 40% when you include Die Linke, who are just as anti-democratically minded as the AfD).
come on, now you are just throwing accusations around. anti-democratic ?
I'm not sure that label even fits to the AfD, let alone Die Linke.
I'm not aware of anything in their program that puts the democratic process into question.

_ChaosFox_: There are millions of decent people in the East, I get it.
I thought we would have reached a point where we realized that casting stereotypes about a few million people based on the anecdotal evidence from your own experiences is nonsense.
nobody denies that there are problems in the East.
But that attitude of total rejection is just childish. That arrogant Western attitude of constantly frowning down on the East in general only causes more damage.
Somehow the West still seems surprised that the Easterners didn't just flip a switch in '90 and turned into model western citizens and all the problems vanished thanks to the joy of western capitalism. :/

_ChaosFox_: But the fact remains that the East - Saxony-Anhalt and Saxony in particular - are fundamentally dysfunctional regions where "rule of law"/"Rechtsstaatlichkeit" is apparently a very malleable construct.
again, what?
where do you see the rule of law in danger ?
Post edited September 26, 2017 by immi101