Crosmando: And yet you still have a governing party with "Christian" in it's name. Not very secular sounding to me.
It's just history really. The CDU used to represent churchgoers. It's like the Republicans in the United States - it was called that to reject monarchy and aristocracy (thereby making it fairly left-wing by 18th century standards). It was progressive then, now it's the complete opposite, but the name has stuck. Likewise, most parties with "Labour" in the name have trade union roots, but these days are more centrist.
Some party names are also mistranslations. We have the CSU - the Christian Social Union - but the word "sozial" in German doesn't mean "social". It means something like a "fair and equitable society", usually used in a welfare context. If a company takes an approach to cutting jobs that is "sozial" or "sozialverträglich", it means they're making every effort to avoid undue hardship of the workers. It's usually marketing bullshit, but you get the point (socialist is "sozialistisch", which is different).
Incidentally, because the separation of religion and state is not "constitutional", we do have Christian theocratic parties in Germany such as the Partei Bibeltreuer Christen (something like "Party of Christians Faithful to the Bible"), but they never even get enough votes to reach 0.1% when rounded up to one decimal place. You need 5% to be represented in parliament.
Personally, my worry is not another four years of Merkel, but another four years of the SPD/CDU Grand Coalition, which has become synonymous with inaction, indecision and lack of effective opposition. Makes you hanker for the FPTP system of the UK.