PookaMustard: And yet having giveaways with effort is just as attractive a solution to these scammers. What they'll do? Oh, they'll just upgrade their smarts in order to overcome the new obstacles, and still manage to do their deeds. After all, scammers are humans, right? They'll find ways around your existing systems to get up your self-imposed knit.
I wouldn't hold my breath, as from what I've seen here a lot of scammers are just out to score a free game for little to no effort expended on their part. If they really are so desperate for a free game that they're willing to make up a song, make up a poem, or do some creative writing, then at least I've gotten them to do something half-way decent.
And then there's the physical giveaways that I've been focusing more on in the past. If they want their free game, they're going to have to send me at least some form of a mailing address. Sure, someone could just give me a fake address and the game I send will go into never-never land (or just come back to me marked as return to sender), but in that case, they're not getting their free game.
PookaMustard: Oh please, I just told you that all giveaways are harmful because they attract the very phobia you fear. Just give them up.
If you're talking about giveaways where people just ask others to enter with little/no effort given, then sure. I'll agree with you. But there's a difference between those and those where the gifter is actually asking the people entering to do something that at least in some small way gives back to the community.
The links are buried in the distant past of GOG, but I've hosted giveaways where people had to write rap songs or poems, or had to write mini stories based off of a writing prompt. One of the most memorable for me was one where I asked people to make up a game parody song in the same sprit as Yahtzee's Deus Ex opening theme riff. There were some truly creative and genuinely hilarious entries there. Sure, maybe back then one of those giveaways involved scammers as entrants. Call me an idealist, but if someone who is a scammer is contributing something back to the forum at large that amounts to more than just a one line "im in!" post, or even actually makes other people smile on the forums, then at least they're giving something back to the community for their game.
PookaMustard: For me, let people who want to code drop do manage to code drop...
At the very least then, keep it contained to a singular thread instead of random threads posted all over the forums.
PookaMustard: As long as they don't break the rules or break a 'gray area rule', they're clear to steer, regardless of what strange observations you have gathered and generalized.
Strange observations? People have gone out and
publicly bragged about all of the games they've scored from their scammy behaviour. And even if they're lying, you're basically disregarding and ignoring everything that's broken out on this forum since the beginning of this year.
If you think me citing people who are actively bragging about doing behaviour that's harmful to the community is a "strange observation", then there's nothing more to be said. Except that I hope you remember that there was (and I argue, still is) more to this forum community than it being just a dumping ground for excess Steam keys, a free ATM for Steam keys, or a place to do trades. That's the reason why people are still passionate about protecting it.