phaolo: ^ Btw, has this Tauto twin ever dropped a single (non-freebie) key, or he's doing the hipster for no reason?
dick1982: did a quick google, and couldn't find his username in the ninja and community giveaway topics.
but tauto-lite did TAKE some summer giftcodes from other people. and i accidentally found pooka's reddit. what a barrel of fun. his most recent comments keeps ranting about the evils of DRM... and then he gets offended when someone points out that consoles have DRM, because he loves consoles more than steam ,or some bullshit he pulled out of his ass...
Don't you just love it when some people look up your account name and look up your history just because they have nothing better to do in their miserable life, than following the successful people all around the spot? And then act like they're better than me when they're clearly no better than a rat? Oh, and I love it when both of them call me a Tauto-twin, as if me opposing their opinion now labels me no different than Tauto. Jeez, the losers of today are just more loser-full.
Sure, I said I'm outta here, but I had to get back in here just to laugh at this stupid dickish brain. No wonder when I first started looking at the GOG forums, he had like 80 rep. Now -67, oh boy. But hey, who said consoles have DRM? Better shoot them in the head for buying digital copies, they buy the inferior product and then they say the product is inferior. That's the world of today. Have fun living in your own bubbles.
I could go ahead and gossip about dick's personal history and Google his name, but I'm not as low as the likes of him. I have a real life with college and its assignments and projects, he doesn't have nil. Thank you for wasting these five minutes of my time.