Caesar.: Is Halloween becoming a thing too?
Yep. For a few years now, shops are decorating their windows in Halloween-style, you can buy costumes, there are Halloween "related" snacks, parties (
for kids, teens and adults) and club-events.
Funny. 40 years ago, all we Germans knew about Halloween was what we had learned from the movie.
I remember, back when I was a young adult, there was no Halloween craze here.
It really only started a few years ago.
But I don't partake, and I also don't know anyone who partakes.
Two years ago some kids rang my doorbell, trying to "trick or treat"...but I just said, I don't have anything for them, and they moved's not comparable to the US.
It's just another "Americanism" that some of us took on without even knowing about the origins - and much less care about said origins.
But I guess that's ok, because they also don't know anything about the German version of the(
se) day(
s): Reformationstag (
reformation day) Allerheiligen (
all Hallow's day) and Allerseelen (
all Souls day).
31.10. - 01.11. - 02.11.)
Fun fact: on several days a year (
dependant of the Bundesland) there are actually dancing bans and music bans (
though the latter only(?) on Good Friday).
Clashes a little with Halloween parties - not that anyone cares about that.
I find it a little sad, that some people think it's cool to import foreign feasts, but at the same time neglect our own traditions. (
Caesar.: Do you feel holidays are becoming too consuming-centric?
Yep. Absolutely.
Caesar.: Or is it just plain, worry-free fun?
For some of us, definitely.