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low rated
rojimboo: I'm starting to like GOG more and more. Their recent sympathetic and brave stance against the horrific Ukraine invasion by Russia, at their own expense, really helped that feeling.
Brave would have been supporting Russia lol.

Post edited March 13, 2022 by §pec†re
low rated
rojimboo: I'm starting to like GOG more and more. Their recent sympathetic and brave stance against the horrific Ukraine invasion by Russia, at their own expense, really helped that feeling.
If you think Russian's invasion of Ukraine is horrific, you're only watching one side of the narrative. It's like everything else where in reality both sides involved are absolutely awful.

For example, something I thought was a joke until I actually looked it up, did you know the Ukranian army inducted a couple of batallions of outright neo-nazi paramilitaries because they were doing a good job murdering seperatists in the Donbass. Largest and most well known being Azov's Battallion.

When Putin says he's fighting Nazis, even though it sounds stupid as all hell, it's actually true. But the point is that most people, including you and I, don't really know what is going on so screeching about it on the internet is pointless and stupid.
low rated
§pec†re: Brave would have been supporting Russia lol.
In front of a community that spent years praising Putin as the saviour of ethical gaming journalism, manhood and the white race (which incidentally were all the same thing for some reason) ?

Yeah I'd say pretty daring.
JimmyDeSouza: If you think Russian's invasion of Ukraine is horrific, you're only watching one side of the narrative. It's like everything else where in reality both sides involved are absolutely awful.

For example, something I thought was a joke until I actually looked it up, did you know the Ukranian army inducted a couple of batallions of outright neo-nazi paramilitaries because they were doing a good job murdering seperatists in the Donbass. Largest and most well known being Azov's Battallion.

When Putin says he's fighting Nazis, even though it sounds stupid as all hell, it's actually true. But the point is that most people, including you and I, don't really know what is going on so screeching about it on the internet is pointless and stupid.
Word for word the standard Russian propaganda about the invasion. I know the right has some gullible"useful idiots", but why are they all congregating on gaming sites?? Ah yes, demographics.

The linked infographic perfectly summarises the current misinformation campaign by Russia.

"Some neo-Nazi militias are fighting alongside the Ukrainian army."

Guilt by association

This technique aims to smear an entire group and the cause it defends based on the behaviour of some of its members. Studies show that pointing at morally condemnable individuals within a group generates discredit and blame towards the group as a whole.

"However, the Ukrainian army's fight against the Russian invader and his war crimes is legitimate, whether or not a handful of neo-nazis also happen to support it."

And with that, I will give this thread some respect and not derail it further, especially to talk to brainwashed kids. Or worse, people with malice.
low rated
rojimboo: Word for word the standard Russian propaganda about the invasion.
Instead of just screeching "PROPAGANDA!" when confronted with facts you don't like, why not look up if they're true?

This being your default response is why you are easily manipulated.

Man, the world is in bad shape when people downvote a simple post about whether or not something is true... Brainwashing...
Post edited March 13, 2022 by JimmyDeSouza
low rated
rojimboo: I'm starting to like GOG more and more. Their recent sympathetic and brave stance against the horrific Ukraine invasion by Russia, at their own expense, really helped that feeling.
§pec†re: Brave would have been supporting Russia lol.
true tbh
low rated
§pec†re: Brave would have been supporting Russia lol.
tfishell: true tbh
Well it's base on opinion. Russia and USA are both in the wrong. imo
Post edited March 14, 2022 by Syphon72
low rated
tfishell: true tbh
Syphon72: Well it's base on opinion. Russia and USA are both in the wrong. imo
I'm not trying to say who's right or wrong here, just that with virtually all support (that I've seen) going to Ukraine, supporting Russia would be the non-mainstream, very unpopular "brave" position.
low rated
Syphon72: Well it's base on opinion. Russia and USA are both in the wrong. imo
tfishell: I'm not trying to say who's right or wrong here, just that with virtually all support (that I've seen) going to Ukraine, supporting Russia would be the non-mainstream, very unpopular "brave" position.
It's because we live in the west. I have seen several countries in SEA, SA, Middle East, and Africa supporting Russia.
rojimboo: I'm starting to like GOG more and more. Their recent sympathetic and brave stance against the horrific Ukraine invasion by Russia, at their own expense, really helped that feeling.
JimmyDeSouza: If you think Russian's invasion of Ukraine is horrific, you're only watching one side of the narrative. It's like everything else where in reality both sides involved are absolutely awful.

For example, something I thought was a joke until I actually looked it up, did you know the Ukranian army inducted a couple of batallions of outright neo-nazi paramilitaries because they were doing a good job murdering seperatists in the Donbass. Largest and most well known being Azov's Battallion.

When Putin says he's fighting Nazis, even though it sounds stupid as all hell, it's actually true. But the point is that most people, including you and I, don't really know what is going on so screeching about it on the internet is pointless and stupid.
Propaganda is propaganda, including what you have discovered. So true facts are always a bit thin on the ground.

It's all too hard to be objective with such, but what we can know, is that Ukraine isn't invading Russia and killing innocents. And even if true, is those neo-nazis truly a good excuse for Russia doing that to Ukraine.

War is a terrible thing, and absolutely everything else should be tried first before engaging in them. And invading another country should never be done lightly or for selfish aims. Care for the innocent should always come first.
rojimboo: One thing that has never happened to me anywhere else, is that a user was talking crap about me behind my back to other members of the community, telling them to stop talking to me completely. Despite sometimes severe disagreements with people, I have *never* experienced such behaviour as I did here on GOG forums, so there's that.
Holy crap, someone did that to you? What is it with people?
I do have this feeling that there seem to be more Linux gamers, especially with the older crowd, than you usually see on a video game shop platform. I mean, relatively speaking as a proportion of the user base. At least, judging by the number of tools and guides for Linux GOG gaming, which is great to me.
On the other hand, that sounds absolutely awesome. See, if there were more people like that, helping people get their game on, this would be a great community.
At the end of the day the community and forums have almost nothing to do with GOG - they have no control about the behaviour of some members. So it shouldn't influence any decisions to buy from here, and so it doesn't for me.
In the end, yeah. That's what it's about. We got plenty of DRM-free games,and that's really all that should matter.