Posted September 03, 2024
The movie industry is driven by people with a multi-million dollar budget, a metric ton of money to spend on advertising, and a load of marketing experts. They sieve through tons of scripts to tailor them to whatever they think will result in an optimal return on investment. And they still butcher more than 50% of the stuff they make. (Right, Disney?)
Let's face it: We are living at a time, where the most fun you can have in a movie is when your main protagonist is a Tornado full of electric eels in space. Also, Nazis. And time travel. With dinosaurs. Could an AI do that plot? Probably. Yes. Definitely. As long as people are buying, we will have Star Wars 12, Star Trek the 102nd reboot, and Sharknado 9 3/4 attack on Hogwarts.
Then, every once in a blue moon, you get a billionaire patron who embraces an artist with a great idea, and we either end up with a weird documentary about that same billionaire, or with a bit of luck, a passable movie. Except, if that's the level we want to play this at, we could go straight back to the renaissance, and have the king of Saxony sponsor Bach. Who wrote great music, but also spent significant time buttering up his sponsor and his glorious reign.
If we talk about organized, industrialized content making, we are not really talking about art anymore, we are talking about industry. And in that, the industrialization of art, which AI is a part of. The individual artist working for the company that took the contract for a movie project gets to decide what exactly? After all the product placement, the 5.75 writers that wrote different parts of the script, and the second director, all working on the reboot of some twice rebooted hit from the 80s; how much "art" are we going to expect?
Yes, it is true, there are a couple dozen superstars in every field that earn a decent amount. But for every single one of them, there are millions who don't.
Yes, great artists can deliver great work even when employed in a soul crushing job, with a contract that slowly drains their hopes and dreams, while devouring their body--if the big boss allows them in the middle of deadlines, customer requirements, and budget cuts. But, even if a great artist is forced to paint the portrait of a rich fellow to get by, and they deliver it with some artistic nuances of greatness. The fact still persists that 99% of the world's population still couldn't pay to get their portrait painted, except perhaps as a caricature on a weekend renaissance fair, and 99% of the world's artists can't all be employed to paint the same rich guy. Meaning, that most artists will remain underpaid and underappreciated, not because the world doesn't care about art or anybody prefers badly made crap that came out of an AI, but because people have to be able to eat. So, they'll do what they can with the budget that they have. And for 99% of us, that means, we won't have original art and have to make due with that thing from IKEA, that looks "close enough" to a real painting.