B1tF1ghter: Well I guess the museum case is all about risk assessment of POTENTIAL publicity.
I am not going to call out if people picking these "places to censor" are idiots or if they can just afford to throw money at their desires indefinitely. But I guess since these days museums are frequented mostly by foreign tourists in most cases (I think this applies to any given country's museums, tho if I'm wrong feel free to correct me) there is a possibility for "wide area chain reaction" even in a small facility out of pure statistical chance (unlikely but possible, by chain reaction I mean a bunch of foreigners from different countries coming to same "undesired" conclusions and then spreading these in their home countries and then you get the chain continuing, I think you should get the idea).
Dalswyn: Without foreign tourists, french museums would either go belly up or tighten up their belt by a couple of notches. But unless you're the Louvre, asian tourists have little to no impact. The United Kingdom leaving the EU will have more of an effect, but that will still be manageable.
Yeah, I don't know. I currently reside in europe and it already sucks profoundly because after brexit many (all?) EU (I mean EUROPEAN UNION, not neccesarily europe, not sure if Switzerland did too or not) countries introduced taxes for packages from UK.
And it sucks because in europe UK is THE country that gets things like "international english" anime releases as well as manga translations and such.
Dalswyn: As for a chain reaction, the PRC doesn't have enough soft power to spread that abroad, and as I've said, they don't weigh enough to make any sizeable difference whatsoever outside Paris.
I actually meant chain reaction on foregin tourists part.
Like, whatever may be conclusions of those tourists undesirable FOR CN * gov and may be chain-shared by them in their home countries.
* Since "somebody in another thread" TRIED to shame me for using CH (DOMAIN code for Switzerland, but could as well be common abbreviation for CHINA) I used CN this time (even tho both in this thread and that thread it is pretty clear I meant CHINA by it all along).
Dalswyn: Which leads to an interesting question: how large is the PRC's share in Gog's revenues?
I'm not sure if you will ever get an answer to that. Tho it is worth investigating if possible.
I would personally recommend Hotline Miami series ;)
edit: added missing word