FallenHeroX1: I think it's more of a case of normal people enjoying the game while a minority of people scream into the void and circlejerk each other to the point of believing their bubble is now objective reality. I mean most recently we have people running around scaring people with 8mb save corrupt and yet I have not seen anyone actually experience said bug, even after rigorous testing due to needing to collect like 100s of thousands of items and never getting rid of any of them actually corrupt the save. It's nonsense negativity that plagues modern gaming. Don't think any normal folks give a shit though.
This seems to concern the late game... Most people haven't finished the game yet, let alone tried everything to min-max the game. If you need 100 hours to get to that, most players are not at that point, and most casuals will never be.
I'm enjoying the game but :
- The patch 1.05 changed lots of things
- There is clearly missing content
- IA needs to be actually made, especially the wanted system which appears to be nowhere near what was promised and also is something that looks like 3 minutes of coding made by some intern.