omega64: 2 hours? O_o
I'd go crazy with such a small amount of sleep.
Normally I only need about 4-5 hours sleep. I usually get more over the weekend, but most of the time 4 hours or so is about right for me.
PalioDeMonte: I know what you mean, it took my wife 2 months to get back to complete workdays after her prolapse last year - and that's not really serious compared what you had to deal with, I think.
I'm doing great - just had an awesome week off, filled with hiking and boardgaming and good friends. My wife's feeling confident that she's going to find a new job soon, either, as her last 4 applications resulted in at least three job interviews - with at least of the jobs being better than her previous job. She just has a lot to do now, but that means she won't feel unemployed at all. I think this spring is gonna be awesome!
*another hug, just for the record ;)*
I have been off work for months now due to it all, so I am wanting to be back so much. But sadly it will take at least a few months to start getting back to normal, and it will take much longer before things are hopefully back to how they were. :-(
That is great to hear, about your lovely vacation and your wife's attitude. Fingers crossed she will get a new job that she will really enjoy very soon.
*big return hug, just because*