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Hello to all, hope you had a happy Monday, holiday or not. :-)

akhliber: I'm a space cadet today, but I don't feel so bad about it. :)
Happy birthday - again - I do keep getting the date wrong. And to your lady also, but that was earlier. I am looking for your thread, to post a little hello there...

Very happy to hear that, I hope that he will be home soon, and that you are feeling less stressed. :-)

Waving hello...

JudasIscariot: See, this is the kind of speed I am rather used to: Dive Drive
CarrionCrow: That definitely works. =) And it's Danganronpa. Forces are conspiring to make me interested enough in that to buy it. -laughs-
Thanks to both of you for the music suggestions. I'll check them out, as they are all new to me
<hangs head>

moonshineshadow: *tired hugs and waves*

*big hug* Had a nice day and just arrived home, that is always good ;-)
Big Zenhug, dear Moon, hope that your day ended better and your peaceful home-time refreshed you. :-)
Post edited March 29, 2016 by ZenWan
superstande: Good Morning, Crow and ZenWan and everyone! :)
Spicy food is good for your system, I've heard. If you can survive it, that's the big 'if' :)
Also I bet you're building a tolerance for it - so it will later only become a tasty treat and enjoyable instead of burning you like a hellfire :)
Hope you fine people are doing good?
My only complaint is I've slept too much this holiday, but then I've also had a good time. Witcher 2 turns out to be more than I hoped for. Currently walking in a forest like a hippie loving every detail :)
Hi Souper, I do love hot food, and yes, you do build up a tolerance. I have to say that Thai food is the hottest I've ever eaten, but I love it!

Glad you had a peaceful and sleepfilled holiday, with good games to play.
ElTerprise: That's good :D
Well despite me being a godless pagan ^^ ... Easter is somewhat important here - Good Friday in particular. Some movies are banned on that date and you're not allowed to dance ;)
Thank you :)
ô__ô Interesting. Over here, it is apparently a huge movie day. And dancing hasn't been outlawed since Footloose (free cookie if you know what that is) :-p
penumbren: Update, if anyone was wondering (I was out of internet/cell phone range for the weekend): My grandfather has not had another stroke after all; he had some issues from his diabetes and some different blood pressure/heart rate problems. He had surgery earlier tonight for a pacemaker, which should help with all of that. There's even a little hope that the pacemaker may help with his overall stamina and energy, which has been pretty low ever since his bypass in 2006. He may be able to come home tomorrow!
That's excellent news. Hopefully he'll be back tomorrow, no extra hospital time needed. =)
AgentBirdnest: ô__ô Interesting. Over here, it is apparently a huge movie day. And dancing hasn't been outlawed since Footloose (free cookie if you know what that is) :-p
-jumps in-

I know what Footloose is...

-jumps out- =)
ZenWan: Thanks to both of you for the music suggestions. I'll check them out, as they are all new to me
<hangs head>
Don't feel too badly, I had no idea Danganronpa had such good music until Judas mentioned it to me.
Post edited March 29, 2016 by CarrionCrow
CarrionCrow: -jumps in-
I know what Footloose is...
-jumps out- =)
No cookie for you, as punishment for conversation jumping ;-p
You get some *free nachos* instead :-)
AgentBirdnest: No cookie for you, as punishment for conversation jumping ;-p
You get some *free nachos* instead :-)
Yay! I'm going to send those to ELT so he can have pre-made nachos on a Sunday...=)
Good morning everyone.
Back to work I guess. :P
CarrionCrow: Yay! I'm going to send those to ELT so he can have pre-made nachos on a Sunday...=)
Yummy :-) *imagining his face upon opening a box full of grayish mush*
For a moment, I wondered about rules regarding mailing cheese overseas, but I'm pretty sure what's in nachos doesn't meet the legal requirement of "cheese" anyway, so no matter :-p
omega64: Good morning everyone.
Back to work I guess. :P
*tips helmet* Good morning to you... mustached octopus man?
Post edited March 29, 2016 by AgentBirdnest
CarrionCrow: Yay! I'm going to send those to ELT so he can have pre-made nachos on a Sunday...=)
AgentBirdnest: Yummy :-) *imagining his face upon opening a box full of grayish mush*
For a moment, I wondered about rules regarding mailing cheese overseas, but I'm pretty sure what's in nachos doesn't meet the legal requirement of "cheese" anyway, so no matter :-p
omega64: Good morning everyone.
Back to work I guess. :P
AgentBirdnest: *tips helmet* Good morning to you... mustached octopus man?
I take offense to that, I don't have a mustache.

Edit: I totally meant to say I'm not an octopus man. Yeah...
Post edited March 29, 2016 by omega64
omega64: I take offense to that, I don't have a mustache.

Edit: I totally meant to say I'm not an octopus man. Yeah...
Oops! Sorry... tentacle-faced octopus lady ;-p

(is that Octodad?)
omega64: I take offense to that, I don't have a mustache.

Edit: I totally meant to say I'm not an octopus man. Yeah...
AgentBirdnest: Oops! Sorry... tentacle-faced octopus lady ;-p

(is that Octodad?)
Everyone has an octodad inside of them. Kinda like skeletons I guess.
Octopus lady? xD
Good morning everybody
**Big hugs with tea and smoothie**
Empress_Owl: Good morning everybody
**Big hugs with tea and smoothie**
Good morning, Empress... no coffee today?
**Extra-huge hug with a big comfy chair** (to sit in while waiting for the new release.)
Empress_Owl: Good morning everybody
**Big hugs with tea and smoothie**
Morning, how are you doing today?
AgentBirdnest: Good morning, Empress... no coffee today?
**Extra-huge hug with a big comfy chair** (to sit in while waiting for the new release.)
Morning Agent !
Nope... we still don't have a replacement coffee maker...
**big hug back**
What is today's release, again ?...