EndreWhiteMane: The number for Van Helsing is dropping but the orange bar isn't moving. Bug or are they timing it down now?
It is moving for me. 24 remaining.
Edit: 22 now.
akhliber: Good morning, lovely people! Our trip to the Department of Motor Vehicles didn't take all day after all, and now we're back home. The lady has the entire day off work, so it'll be a nice day of relaxing and gaming and maybe finding a silly movie to watch together.
To answer Agent's question, I used to frequent LiveJournal years ago, oddly enough. Also the forums for some private Aion server ages back as well. These days the only online communities I'm a regular part of are this one, the head-fi dot org forums (where I only lurk) and also the Vinyl Me, Please forums, where I also only lurk and maybe post every month or so.
please assault the lovely battle sister DD with +1's for being awesome. She snuck me with a gift this morning and really helped start my day on a high note. :)
*hugs and waves all around*
You are very welcome. And I know I said it in chat, but I hope you and your partner have a lovely relaxing day. *big hug*