akhliber: We're not the most social of animals ourselves, so sadly Sarge doesn't do a whole lot of socializing with other dogs, aside from when he's in boarding or when we visit either my parents or my wife's, but both our parents have tiny dogs that can't handle his level of play. I think that's part of why he comes on a *wee* bit strong when there's a potential new friend around. :)
This is were I AM lucky - my sister's dog and mine get along BEAUTIFULLY together. The oddest part - around her HE totally defers (thank God, as he has about 25 pounds on her) and SHE'S the wacky one.
But generally with new dogs he can be tense - which is why I've been glad to have a few people recently who've been willing to allow some dog socializing.
toxicTom: I'll be off now, caring for my darling and then off to bed. Good night all you nice people!
Night! I'll keep you and yours in my thoughts!