ddickinson: *big good luck with your work hug*
You are bound to feel frustrated after all the work you have put into it. So feel free to vent here all you like. You have been working very hard and you are bound to be tired and when we are tired things can get to us more. You know where my chat is if you ever need to chat or just need someone to yell at to let of some steam. And you can always just yell in Dutch in chat. i promise not to translate it so you can yell all you like to let of steam. *big comforting hug*
I am okay, no need to worry. But thank you. I am used to the ups and downs. At least they are coming less often, so that is a good sign. But I do worry it will mean I won't be able to go to work this week :-(. I am still only shadowing and not allowed to do too much, but I still enjoy being out and about and back at work. But these things can't be helped. And I have some new experimental medication to try, so hopefully they will help. Or do what all the others have done and made me worse, which seems to be my luck recently. :-)
*even more big hugs*
*thank you hug*
Thanks for the offer. :) I've been so exhausted lately I slept nearly twelve hours straight last weekend. Whoops. :P Haha, ranting in Dutch is a pretty funny idea actually, but I'll spare you that. :)
Yep, hopefully those fluctuations will slow down a bit. That way you can know a little bit better what to expect, and what you'll be able to do when. Ugh, yes, it's not fun that you likely won't be able to go to work and be outdoors for a while. As you said, it can't really be helped, but I'll definitely be keeping my fingers crossed you'll be able to go outside and get some change of pace again soon. And I'm going to be thinking positive thoughts about your new medication. This has got to be the one! :P
*even even more hugs*
omega64: Skip anything after the fourth movie. :P
But ... six is my favourite!
superstande: *shouts from the bunker*
Doing alright... Spring is here, 3 months to go travelling, even less if I can manage it :)
Can't wait for thursday afternoon: start of a 4-day holiday :)
Got Pillars too :) And X-Wing, Saints Row 2-3 and Witcher 3. You could say I went a bit mental :P
Also, anyone with spare time, can I suggest a +1 for Zengold, such a sweet kid, he gifted me a game for no sane reason :P
Hahaha. :P And yes, hopefully Spring will go into full force soon, I could use a little sunshine too. :P
Are you doing anything fun for the holiday? And yep, I'm looking forward to it too. Thursday 10 PM is when my long weekend starts, and I can't wait. :P
I'd have grabbed the Saints Row games too if I didn't already own them on Steam. I really like them. :)