ddickinson: Good evening, lovely thread!
I hope you are all doing well?
It seems I am still having some problems with my sleeping so I figured I would get to work on some notes for a few talks me and my partner have been asked to do on a few topics at a centre for young ladies who are not having the best of luck in their young lives. Plus I get to chat to you lovely people as well, which is always nice.
*hugs, waves, and milkshakes. Not handshakes, milkshakes.* :-)
Next thing you'll be telling us that your milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard.
Specially since they're made with real creamy farm milk.
ddickinson: "Hello back, polite internet weirdo person". I was told to say that to you in return for your "hey there" message. :-)
Personally I define him as an evil avian of doom.
Or a bird of spite.
ddickinson: Good evening.
We often try to help now and then. In fact I am still missing being able to do my volunteering at the childrens hospice like we used to every month. Although the kids did make me the most wonderful get well soon card that made me tear up so much due to their kind words. This one I am making notes for now is for abused women, well girls really. They are aged 16-19 and have not been having the nicest of times. The centre they are at helps them recover, get support, and hopefully get them back on their feet. It is a really nice place, and one that has helped a lot of ladies. A friend of ours works there and asked me and my partner to give a few talks and asked if we would share a few private things with them as some of them are in there due to abuse over their sexuality and a few other things. So hopefully we can help a few people. But the main talk is just about what we do for work and things like that, just to get them ready for being adults and things, so it is mostly just a casual talk and some question and answer things. But a few of the other topics are a little more intense.
That's fantastic. Also I might drop by one of those talks of yours. I'm already an old man and still have no idea what it's really like to be an adult.
CarrionCrow: Still can't complain here. Feels like my cold's trying to come back, but I'll drown it in vitamins. (And soda.) No big thing.
Beyond that, it's figuring out how to use the pressure cooker, since my roommate didn't want to spend hours cooking corned beef and cabbage in a pot on the stove.
I'll give you a crash course.
Step 1: Fill the pot with delicious ingredients, attach the lid and secure it, then put the pressure cooker on the fire.
Step 2: Secure a hardhat and a couple of sandbags to hide behind.
Step 3:
THERE IS NO STEP THREE Step 4: If nothing's exploded, congratulations, you've made a delicious meal. If not, you've made something ASPLODE. It's a win-win.