EndreWhiteMane: We used to use Miss and Mrs, now Ms is considered 'politically correct' for both. Just like Mr always has been for married/unmarried.
So hey babe, it's what you get. :-)
Luckily I am not a big fan of the over politically correct society we live in. Basic manners and respect is one thing, but these days things just get silly. I was never really keen on Ms. I don't really mind people using it, but for some reason I never really liked it. I know before it was often used for a divorced woman, but these days things are just silly. I kind of hate how people blow things out of proportion and are making words off limits due to people being scared to use them in case someone get offended at things they should not. I never really get it either, surly you need intent for a word to be offensive? So can someone really be offensive if they did not mean to be? Insensitive perhaps, but not really offensive. But what would I know, I am rambling so please just ignore me. :-)
I was going to end with the male version of babe, but I am not sure what that is.
ElTerprise: *big thank you hug nonetheless* :D
But there are still people here who are working much harder :)
Want them taken out? :-)
*grabs Fred sniper rifle*