akhliber: Hi, Fred! I hope you are all doing well!
*big hugs and waves all around*
Sarge's vet visit checked out okay, he's got some medication to take for a few days but should be fine. He's finally got some energy back today, so we're going to go play out back for a bit. I'll probably do a bit of actually-catching-up-on-the-forums out there, but I'll be on my tablet if I do, so I'll be in lurker mode.
Have a lovely day, folks!
Hi *big return hug*
Good to hear that - and i hope he'll back to normal in no time :)
Yes following the forums on a mobile device can be really annoying...(although i guess it's better on a tablet than on a smartphone)
Likewise :)
CarrionCrow: Trying to wake up at the moment. But I'm drinking coffee as fast as I can brew it, so it's scorching out the cobwebs fairly quickly.
Now I'm reading a book and enjoying the thought of a character that boils down to "bombs for every occasion". -laughs-
That's good to hear. Sounds like a well-fleshed out character ;)