ZenWan: A quick hello from me, after a night of wonderful rain. I was surprised to find that the internet connection is still working - I had unplugged the modem and computer because of the lightning, but while there's a lull, I thought I'd fly in to say hi.
Sorry I haven't had time to read all the posts, only skimmed quickly, and forum replies aren't showing up for me, except now and then..
Hope you are feeling better,
Empress Owl, that sounds like a really bad bug you both have.
Good morning. =)
-laughs- Looks like that rain I tried to send your way actually got there for once.
It really is one of the very best things in nature, especially when it's dark. (The lightning is good when it's not setting your stuff on fire...)
No surprise there. I think things are being worked on, which makes the preexisting system very wonky and prone to breaking as they do so.
No worries here, it'll heal up in time. It always does. Thank you, though. =)