Good morning. =)
Remarkably enough, I actually was asleep for once. Cold pills do a good job of knocking me silly at times, even with my size. Had to stretch out for a while, can't do too many more nights crashed out at my desk.
No clue why GOG said I was online, my apologies on that one. I specifically make sure to shut off anything GOG-related when I sleep so it doesn't do that.
That lightning sounds miserable to deal with. A good storm's something you should be able to enjoy, but it's hard to do when you have to worry about it cooking your electronics.
I know you're not going to be back around until free time kicks in again, so I'll just hope you're having a good day and talk with you again later on.
Empress_Owl: Good Bording, Fred ! 3___3 ... **snirfl**
**Big hugs with
lots of hankies**
Good morning. =)
-drags out a spare wading pool full of Nyquil- It's kinda green and scary looking in there, but through sheer absorption alone you'll be knocked out so cold your sniffly beak will be able to detach itself from your body, go out for nachos, come back, and you won't even notice.