ElTerprise: Thank you - hoping the same but i'm optimistic that i beat the damn until the end of the week :)
Sorry to hear that but that can happen with scans and tests. Let's hope you'll feel better tomorrow :)
Fingers crossed then that you will have it beat by the weekend.
Thank you. I am sure it will be getting better by morning, although these ones really took their toll on me for some reason and have messed my head up a little. But luckily just short term symptoms.
CarrionCrow: Good evening. =)
Can't complain here, it's a pretty good day overall. How've you been, aside from the joy of dealing with more frigging tests?
Good evening, Crow the ninja gifter. :-)
Glad to hear things are going good for you for the most part.
I have been better, these last few months have not been nice due to some less than pleasant things, many of which are not health related. But I am doing okay, feeling a lot better after I took a little break from here and from things in the real world (I mainly needed a break from the real world stuff). Things are still not the best, but hopefully getting better.