EndreWhiteMane: Sounds like what I'd do. I did go down and get my YMCA membership today, with my discount and the membership drive they have in March I'm in for 22 bucks a month. Now I can get some real swim time in and hopefully feel more human.
And about 40 ponds lighter. :-)
Not much sleep, lots of mood shifts. Put those together, add a lot of stupid people, and it's just one big inner argument on whether the jail time a person gets for hitting someone at a full run with a loaded shopping cart is worth it.
Right now, it's a stalemate between, "Well, that
would be pretty awesome, and I could
probably put some empty-headed, endlessly gibbering oblivious shitsack halfway through the nearest wall" and "Dude, it might be cool, but you're looking at
years if you do it."
(The voice of reason is an asshole.)
Very nice. =) You can lose the weight, feel better, get out of the house. Good combo.
moonshineshadow: *I don't like beginnings of a new month hugs and waves* ;-)
-yeah they tend to suck ass waves back- ;)