akhliber: Thanks DD, Empress and Elt for the kind words!
The pup is super sleepy today. Less than an hour out back and he was just sleeping in the grass. Now he's curled up in a blanket on the couch.
I'm trying to decide whether this means I should be cleaning, playing a video game, or napping myself. I'm leaning towards the last of those options, I think. Pretty sure the coffee I'm drinking this morning is broken. ;)
Well all three of those sounds okay, although cleaning less so. Gaming is an option, but then who can resist a nice nap if you are tired. What game would you play if you decided to pick the middle option?
Vnlr: hello everyone,
I've been away over the weekend so I just decided to pop in and say hello here to all wonderful thread dwellers. Life hasn't been very kind of late though, I'm managing a bit now...
How are you all doing? *hugs for DD and Owl and all the rest*
Can I get a bowl of cauliflower soup with mustard and a hot tub of water to put my feet in (also with mustard)?
Sorry to hear that life has not been kind lately, I know how that is, life seems to like being a jerk sometimes. Anything I can do to help? I hope that things will start to get better for you sooner rather than later.