CarrionCrow: Okay, let's see if the forum is now eating my posts...
CarrionCrow: As I tried to say before the forum ate it, Asylum's a good game in general. The boss fights aren't great, but everything else makes up for it.
I hate when that happens.
It was a good game overall with the right kind of atmosphere for the subject. It felt a little too dumbed down at times, but I'd happily go back for another dose. There's a lot to be said for dark and tormented.. :-)
CarrionCrow: Okay, let's see if the forum is now eating my posts...
As I tried to say before the forum ate it, Asylum's a good game in general. The boss fights aren't great, but everything else makes up for it.
ElTerprise: Well especially the Scarecrow sequences were awesome - particularly the one that broke the fourth wall :)
Good evening everyone :)
Hi, Elt. How's your Sunday?