Posted February 26, 2016

The Puzzlemaster
Registered: Dec 2012
From United States

Registered: May 2011
From United States

Big Daddy
Registered: Feb 2009
From Germany

Registered: May 2013
From France
Posted February 26, 2016
(aaaand... chat is broken again).

Registered: Jan 2011
From United States
Posted February 26, 2016
Well pluck you too, GOG!!
... and good morning, Fredfriends.
The whole website is plucked up for me at the moment.
... and good morning, Fredfriends.
The whole website is plucked up for me at the moment.
Post edited February 26, 2016 by AgentBirdnest

Registered: May 2009
From United States
Posted February 26, 2016
Must be a glitch! I can only see the Master of Orion ad AND a ad for the GOG Galaxy (of course). Gotta make sure people know about the GOG Galaxy AT ALL TIMES!!!
I haven't watched any of the GOG Streams but I imagine that the GOG Galaxy is mentioned at least once a sentence. "Yes, Penumbra IS one of the best horror games ever and it's always a joyful moment when I hit its start/launch button in the GOG Galaxy" "The thing that really sets Alien vs Predator apart is how flawlessly it works in the GOG Galaxy!" ..."GOG GALAXY!, GET YOUR GOG GALAXY HERE. Download the GOG Galaxy or no more streams ever!"
I haven't watched any of the GOG Streams but I imagine that the GOG Galaxy is mentioned at least once a sentence. "Yes, Penumbra IS one of the best horror games ever and it's always a joyful moment when I hit its start/launch button in the GOG Galaxy" "The thing that really sets Alien vs Predator apart is how flawlessly it works in the GOG Galaxy!" ..."GOG GALAXY!, GET YOUR GOG GALAXY HERE. Download the GOG Galaxy or no more streams ever!"

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted February 26, 2016

**Big hugs all around**
Matser of Orion : 45.99 € and still in development ?........ L.O.L. Yes, but no, thanks... ):-\
-breaks out the strong, but not too strong as to avoid residual weekend beak jitters coffee pool for the day-
-laughs- I think that ad is great. It makes me laugh every time I look at it.

Registered: May 2009
From United States
Posted February 26, 2016
Oh chat is down again? Mine has been down for two days now, except for an hour long window (of about an hour ago).

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted February 26, 2016
Well, fuckballs. Guess my reply button is now broken. Now wondering if it's going to be one of those kinds of forum days...
Screw it. I have time on my hands. I can sit here and F5 it until it keels over and dies.
Screw it. I have time on my hands. I can sit here and F5 it until it keels over and dies.
Post edited February 26, 2016 by CarrionCrow

Registered: May 2013
From France
Posted February 26, 2016
(The "reply" feature doesn't work either... let's try Barefoot Essentials "quick post", maybe...)
@Agent : +1 for this topical drawing ;-) ... and yes, everything seems to be pl*cked up here too... maybe we are being sucked into a black hole because of the massive Master of Orion ad... :-) Hope you're doing good, despite that and the rest... my last 4 chat lines have been eaten as well, i can't remember what i was talking about. Ho yeah, insulting Barack :-)
@N2T3 : totally. The GOG Galaxy is there too. And for the glitch, I'd say I just have a bigger screen display than yours (?) :-)
Test... test... 1, 2... 1, 2...
@Crow : it makes you laugh every time ? Well they don't have failed everything then ;-)
Thanks for the strong-but-not-too-strong coffee !! I need that... nevermind the beak jitters, I take the whole pool.
Do you have spare F5 keys ? :-) yours will quickly be worn if you stay here...
@Agent : +1 for this topical drawing ;-) ... and yes, everything seems to be pl*cked up here too... maybe we are being sucked into a black hole because of the massive Master of Orion ad... :-) Hope you're doing good, despite that and the rest... my last 4 chat lines have been eaten as well, i can't remember what i was talking about. Ho yeah, insulting Barack :-)
@N2T3 : totally. The GOG Galaxy is there too. And for the glitch, I'd say I just have a bigger screen display than yours (?) :-)
Test... test... 1, 2... 1, 2...
@Crow : it makes you laugh every time ? Well they don't have failed everything then ;-)
Thanks for the strong-but-not-too-strong coffee !! I need that... nevermind the beak jitters, I take the whole pool.
Do you have spare F5 keys ? :-) yours will quickly be worn if you stay here...
Post edited February 26, 2016 by Empress_Owl

Registered: Jan 2011
From United States
Posted February 26, 2016

@Agent : +1 for this topical drawing ;-) ... and yes, everything seems to be pl*cked up here too... maybe we are being sucked into a black hole because of the massive Master of Orion ad... :-) Hope you're doing good, despite that and the rest... my last 4 chat lines have been eaten as well, i can't remember what i was talking about. Ho yeah, insulting Barack :-)
*goes to look at Master of Orion ad* ... *giggle* ... Needs to be just a little bit bigger, I think. And $50 for an in-dev game? Seriously? It could be the best game ever made, and I'd still tell them to go pluck themselves.
And yeah, I'm doing okay/good, thanks :-) *waits very impatiently for GOG to fix itself*
... oh, and **Big hug**

Registered: Jul 2014
From Germany
Posted February 26, 2016
*drive-by good morning hugs* Can't stay long. Busy, busy!

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted February 26, 2016
@ Tom - Can't complain too much here. It's more late night silliness, which beats late night surliness, late night screaming or late night weird inexplicable dread creeping up the back of my beck with a stick, let me tell you.
@ Owl lady - Yes it does. I look at it and think, "That would be an intensely silly thing to do right now." Then I scroll down and it's gone.
Well, just so long as you're not too wound up. Weekends can be trying all on their own sometimes, don't need you pacing holes in the floor from the caffeine buzz.
-laughs- I've already halfway broken the one I bound to one of my mouse buttons. Not even from any kind of spastic anger, just from using it so much.
@ Owl lady - Yes it does. I look at it and think, "That would be an intensely silly thing to do right now." Then I scroll down and it's gone.
Well, just so long as you're not too wound up. Weekends can be trying all on their own sometimes, don't need you pacing holes in the floor from the caffeine buzz.
-laughs- I've already halfway broken the one I bound to one of my mouse buttons. Not even from any kind of spastic anger, just from using it so much.

Big Daddy
Registered: Feb 2009
From Germany

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted February 26, 2016