Posted February 24, 2016

Registered: May 2011
From Germany

Registered: Jan 2011
From United States
Posted February 24, 2016

How are you doing Agent ?
**Big hug with cold tea**
Honestly, I'm not feeling too wonderful today. I've had better moods, and am really anxious, but it's nothing serious. I'll be fine; if not in a few hours, then definitely by tomorrow morning.
How many places will you need me to burn to the ground today? Nobody gets away with yelling at my Empress ','',',','>:'-|
Please take this badge and an **Extra-big courageous and comforting hug**
Post edited February 24, 2016 by AgentBirdnest

Registered: May 2013
From France
Posted February 24, 2016

Uh sorry to hear that - hopefully it'll pass asap *big cheer up hug*
It's still the danish cold....but it's getting better :)
Thank you very much for the wishes and hug... **big thank you hug back**
You sound like you're trying to catch a cold in every country you visit... hihi :-) so, how is the danish cold ; is it any different from your usual german ones ?

Registered: Jul 2014
From Germany

Registered: Jan 2012
From Finland
Posted February 24, 2016

It was a lot of fun, although cracking all the flying fortresses of the generals (to complete all the tower quests) became a little boring. Other than that, no complaints.
It gives me hope, though. Maybe some day I will manage through to the end.
And yeah, I was also a bit bored with the flying fortresses, but something kept me going. I still don't know what it was :)

Registered: May 2013
From France
Posted February 24, 2016

Honestly, I'm not feeling too wonderful today. I've had better moods, and am really anxious, but it's nothing serious. I'll be fine; if not in a few hours, then definitely by tomorrow morning.
How many places will you need me to burn to the ground today? Nobody gets away with yelling at my Empress ','',',','>:'-|
Please take this badge and an **Extra-big courageous and comforting hug**
Sorry to read you don't feel good today... :-( I hope the anxiety will pass over the day...
Right now, only one place.... :-) let me give you their address. You can just set fires to their cardboard, plastic and papers stashes, so I'll be able to check if the fire modellings I made were realistic n__o heheh
Thanks for the badge and the greta hug !
**big tight yet zen hug back**

Registered: Sep 2011
From Switzerland
Posted February 24, 2016
Weekend promo???
*goes to check calendar* ok, I am not going crazy it is really Wednesday.
*hugs for everyone*
*goes to check calendar* ok, I am not going crazy it is really Wednesday.
*hugs for everyone*

Registered: May 2011
From Germany
Posted February 24, 2016

Thank you very much for the wishes and hug... **big thank you hug back**
You sound like you're trying to catch a cold in every country you visit... hihi :-) so, how is the danish cold ; is it any different from your usual german ones ?
Not's the first foreign one i got ;)
Don't know.....although i could eat a danish hot dog right now :P *big silly hug*
40€? That sounds a bit much....

Big Daddy
Registered: Feb 2009
From Germany

Get off my lawn!
Registered: Sep 2011
From United States
Posted February 24, 2016

How are you doing Agent ?
**Big hug with cold tea**

Honestly, I'm not feeling too wonderful today. I've had better moods, and am really anxious, but it's nothing serious. I'll be fine; if not in a few hours, then definitely by tomorrow morning.
My nerves are ratcheted up to about a 12 on the Richter scale too, always do that when I feel sick. I feel your pain.
*get better tip of my well maned head*

Big Daddy
Registered: Feb 2009
From Germany
Posted February 24, 2016

*goes to check calendar* ok, I am not going crazy it is really Wednesday.
*hugs for everyone*
I mean, if they have something big coming up, why dry people's purses with some (rather good IMO) promo beforehand?

Carolus Magnus
Je m'en fou
Registered: Dec 2012
From Belgium
Posted February 24, 2016
psk, Empress, I humbly offer you a little piece I have completed while lying ill.
For Owl and everybody else
I do expect a promotion to fellow court composer now though :p
I'm doing quite a bit better than yesterday already by the way. Still in no state to go to school, but I'm out of bed at least.
Now that is an experimental work even by my standards (dissonance, modulation, weird purposefully broken melodic patterns), so I hope you'll at least be able to bear it :p
I hope the rest of you are also doing better/fine? *share the pot of rosehip tea with lemon and honey*
For Owl and everybody else
I do expect a promotion to fellow court composer now though :p
I'm doing quite a bit better than yesterday already by the way. Still in no state to go to school, but I'm out of bed at least.
Now that is an experimental work even by my standards (dissonance, modulation, weird purposefully broken melodic patterns), so I hope you'll at least be able to bear it :p
I hope the rest of you are also doing better/fine? *share the pot of rosehip tea with lemon and honey*

Registered: May 2013
From France

Big Daddy
Registered: Feb 2009
From Germany
Posted February 24, 2016

It gives me hope, though. Maybe some day I will manage through to the end.
And yeah, I was also a bit bored with the flying fortresses, but something kept me going. I still don't know what it was :)
In the "flying fortresses" section I sometimes took a week or so a break from the game (and played something else). Or split the evenings - 1-2 hours Divinity 2 grinding, then something else altogether.

Registered: Sep 2011
From Switzerland